Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, your SMASH should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Inflation is a favorite antagonist in the cryptocurrency community. Most investors are probably familiar with the graphs showing how much value the U.S. dollar has lost since 1933, when the Federal Reserve left the gold standard. For hard-money advocates, the deflationary properties of gold or cryptocurrencies form a built-in guarantee of long-term value. Bitcoin’s supply is algorithmatically limited to 21 million tokens, but it still experiences inflation as the token supply grows. For most cryptocurrencies, inflation is barely noticeable against the backdrop of everyday price volatility, but it is very commonplace – blockchain networks need to generate new tokens to reward mining or staking nodes. But any currency will lose value if supply exceeds demand. As such, many cryptocurrencies combat inflation by destroying tokens. Ripple’s XRP burns a small number of tokens with every transaction, and some, like Binance Coin, intentionally burn tokens to raise prices.

Some new tokens take coin burning to an extreme, and cause their token supply to shrink over time. This following tokens are known as Deflationary Tokens. What is Deflationary Token? Let’s take a look at this explanation. Traditional cryptocurrencies tend to have a large circulating supply which makes it difficult for the price to increase as the market cap would be unrealistically high. Deflationary cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, usually have a much lower initial supply and a percentage of tokens is burned with every transaction. The theory is that less supply will lead to higher demand. It’s quite a new concept but it’s already proving to be successful. Just take a look at the following graph for Bomb Token (the first deflationary token with an initial supply of 1,000,000 tokens and a 1% burn rate) which went from $0.33 to over $13 after 4 months.

To ensure the functionality of its platform and to provide convenience of users, the company has created on its platform, its own token called Token SMASH. The character token will SMASH. The total number of 1 million units. Distributed token is as follows:
20% of tokens are given to investors and the stock exchange listing.
20% will go to the development of decentralized applications, DAPPs, and marketing.
10% token offered to the project team.
30% is given on the Airdrop.
20% will be distributed according to the Bounty program.

As you know about half of the success of the project provides a well-matched team. Some participants who already had successful projects in the field of blockchain. If the project employs experienced professionals who work in famous companies reason to trust becomes more. The team involve all necessary specialists . It’s the people who will take over business processes, operations, finances, scale, legal services, blockchain developer, advertising. The project team SMASH Token not only qualified but also sociable. There are team members who keep their accounts in social networks and actively respond to all questions and post alerts about the changes. The team is always open and if you have the desire to instantly communicate with its members on the website there is a form to fill in and someone from the team will contact you immediately.

You can tell a lot about this innovative project as SMASH Token. But in order not to delay the review, I leave all the necessary and important links at the bottom of the description. There you will find all the answers you need to questions which will arise in the study of the project. In conclusion, I want to add that the project SMASH Token is not accidental and not on an empty place. When there is a great demand but not adequate supply always have such innovative projects. In the near future we can expect that the project SMASH Token will manifest itself and bring profit to its users and investors..


Website: https://smashtoken.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/smash_token?s=09
Facebook: https://facebook.com/SmashToken/


Website: https://smashtoken.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/smash_token?s=09

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek,


 Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi AndaKami membangun bisnis perdagangan mata uang kripto dan bersama-sama dengan perusahaan teknologi blokchain. Kami tanpa henti bekerja keras untuk mencapai tujuan kami, dan kami telah mengalami apa yang disebut kesulitan dan kemenangan finansial yang rendah.


Pasar Smash Token masih dalam masa pertumbuhan
Itu menderita dari kurangnya akuntabilitas yang merusak kepercayaan publik dan tidak menawarkan cara mudah untuk mengevaluasi kredibilitas para pendiri dan tim mereka. Investor profesional masih mengandalkan "intuisi" dan pelanggan rata-rata adalah korban penipuan. Akibatnya, nilai-nilai token sering turun tajam setelah penawaran awal dan tidak dapat berfungsi sebagai kendaraan finansial jangka panjang.Solusi - Smash Token.

Token besar adalah pengukuran yang terus menerus dihitung dan diukur dari nilai yang diberikan oleh setiap pendiri dan penasihat perusahaan. Ini didasarkan pada pencapaian bisnis, pengaruh pasar, dan evaluasi konsensus orang lain. Pelanggan dapat mengukur kemungkinan keberhasilan startup berdasarkan nilai agregat dari Smash Index tim. Semakin sukses pendiri atau penasihat, semakin bernilai mereka dan semakin berharga tokennya.

Sekarang SMASH TOKEN siap berakselerasi.
Karena kami percaya token digital untuk pendanaan proyek adalah kendaraan finansial yang tepat bagi kami, pasar token kami masih terlalu muda. Ada banyak pemain tidak jujur ​​dan pelanggan yang tidak memiliki kepercayaan jangka panjang - dan itu adalah masalah bagi bisnis seperti kita yang dapat mengambil manfaat darinya, tidak ada yang diangkat untuk memulihkan kesehatan pasar koin digital. Jadi kami lakukan.


Karena SMASH TOKEN akan menjadi salah satu kendaraan finansial terdalam karena memfasilitasi mata uang pertama. Dan kami dan tim akan berjuang keras untuk membuat terobosan atau ide sehingga apa yang kami bawa terwujud. Dan agar orang-orang yang masih jauh di bawah garis kemiskinan akan terbantu dan akan menikmati kehidupan yang bahagia bersama keluarga. menjadi aset yang dapat mendukung lebih banyak orang untuk membangun dukungan dan tidak mendukung - dan pasar Smash Token tidak akan lagi menjadi platform pembiayaan paling kuat untuk produk dan layanan baru bagi dunia.

Model bisnis

Smash Token akan mulai menjual token utilitas untuk melakukan pra-penjualan bantuan yang tertarik melalui token utilitas Smash Token. Pelanggan dapat menggunakan SMSH TOKEN sebagai media pendukung untuk mendapatkan, memberi mereka akses ke skor Smash Token yang real-time dan historis untuk semua penawaran awal di pasar Smash Token.

SMASH adalah mata uang kripto deflasi dengan perbedaan.
Dapatkan 1.000.000 SMASH awal dan dengan tingkat deflasi 2% untuk setiap transaksi. Kami telah menemukan kasus penggunaan yang efektif.

Deflasi Cryptocurrency untuk Amal. Kami akan membantu orang miskin dan yang membutuhkan di seluruh dunia dan menciptakan ekonomi yang terdesentralisasi yang bersama-sama akan mengurangi kemiskinan dan perampasan dunia ini.

Evaluasi umum.
Token besar memulai perubahan di dunia crypto secara umum dengan memilih sisi deflasi. Karena jumlah token secara bertahap akan menurun, adalah mungkin untuk melihat dekomposisi positif dalam kisaran harga. Saya akan membagikan kepada Anda tautan proyek tertentu untuk melakukan penyelidikan proyek yang lebih rinci.

Rincian Token dan Kerusakan
Simbol tanda: SMASH
Total yang Dibutuhkan: 1.000.000
Platform: Ethereum

Detail Penerima:
30% - Airdrop, sekitar 300.000 token SMASH akan tersedia melalui program airdrop.
20% - Hadiah, 200.000 token SMASH akan tersedia melalui hadiah promosi.
20% - Daftar Investor & Pertukaran,
20% dari total pasokan (200.000 SMASH) akan tersedia untuk investor dan pasar transportasi.
10% - DApp & Pemasaran, 100.000 Token SMASH akan digunakan untuk Pengembangan & Pemasaran DAPP.
10% - Tim, Tim akan mengalokasikan 100.000 Token SMASH.
Tim token akan dikunci selama 6 bulan.

penulis : zorzia

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

Hawk Network

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek, Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda

Hawk Network mengacu pada infrastruktur teknis dari Internet of Things terdistribusi terkemuka di dunia, yang mengintegrasikan komputasi tepi, data besar, dan teknologi blockchain. Ini bertujuan untuk memberikan perusahaan dengan biaya akses yang lebih rendah dan Internet of Things yang lebih efisien dan tepercaya. Mengambil perangkat keras yang cerdas sebagai basisnya, kecerdasan buatan sebagai intinya, teknologi data besar sebagai fondasi, dan buku-buku besar yang didistribusikan oleh blockchain untuk menyeimbangkan faktor ekosistem dan produksi, Hawk Network pada akhirnya bertujuan untuk mencapai tujuan memungkinkan Internet of Things global . Proyek Jaringan Elang diinkubasi oleh Kanada. ROUP Canada dan Klaytn, platform blockchain yang dimiliki oleh Kakao Korea. UB.GROUP adalah Internet of Things skala besar, dan perusahaan perjalanan multinasional yang cerdas dengan 30 juta pengguna, dan beroperasi di puluhan kota di seluruh dunia. UB.GROUP memiliki kemampuan R&D yang kuat dalam perangkat keras pintar, Internet of Things, dan blockchain. Kakao adalah raksasa sosial Korea dengan 50
Layanan Blockchain

Ikhtisar Globenewswire
Blockchain layanan global (100 juta yuan) pada tahun 2024
Tingkat pertumbuhan majemuk (%) pada tahun 2024
Lebih dari 50% perusahaan besar menggunakan teknologi blockchain
Ekonomi digital global mengalami percepatan setelah sepuluh tahun (100 juta yuan)

Apa itu Internet Cerdas Terdistribusi?
Internet of Things (alias IoT) disebut sebagai revolusi ketiga dari industri informasi setelah komputer dan Internet. Saat ini, banyak negara menghabiskan banyak uang untuk penelitian dan pengembangan. IoT adalah sistem teknologi baru yang dikembangkan oleh beberapa teknologi

Karakteristik Teknis Internet Cerdas Terdistribusi

Diyakini bahwa Internet of Things yang didistribusikan dengan cerdas memiliki dua fitur inti, yaitu:
Komputasi tepi.
Teknologi data terdistribusi.

Perangkat dan data disetujui oleh teknologi blockchain. Dalam waktu dekat, kompilasi jaringan 5G skala besar diluncurkan, semua IoT terdistribusi cerdas akan dikembangkan sebelumnya.
Komputasi Tepi

Edge computing adalah model komputasi cerdas di mana bagian daya komputasi digunakan bersama oleh perangkat terminal.
Data besar

Setelah data dihitung oleh banyak perangkat node, data diunggah ke database terdistribusi ke cr
blok Rantai

Perangkat pintar terminal melengkapi perhitungan tepi, data uplink, dan blockchain untuk menjadi pengulang dan konektor data.
Kontrak pintar

Kontrak dukungan multi-level pintar yang mendukung pengembangan kontrak yang dapat diprogram dan menyediakan templat dan antarmuka kontrak.
Terminal Cerdas

Terminal tertarik untuk mendesentralisasikan terminal untuk mengumpulkan data investasi untuk menarik sumber data yang tidak rusak.
Jaringan tepercaya

Jaringan Blockchain setelah pintar dengan terminal terdistribusi pintar.
Black Hawk Knight (alias BHK) adalah aplikasi pertama di Jaringan Hawk.

BHK bertujuan untuk menyediakan pengguna skuter listrik terdesentralisasi bersama untuk perjalanan jarak pendek yang cerdas di kota-kota. Kinerja perangkat keras skuter BHK lebih unggul, dan rasio efisiensi energi 60% lebih tinggi daripada produk serupa. Direncanakan akan didistribusikan di lebih dari 50 negara dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Strategi distribusi ini menganut ideologi desentralisasi blockchain, dan semua investor korporat BHK di seluruh dunia akan membagikan dividen yang dibawa dengan meningkatkan seluruh jaringan perjalanan yang didistribusikan melalui teknologi ledger terdistribusi. Sementara itu, BHK Intelligent Scooter juga merupakan skuter pertambangan yang menambang mengendarai perangkat super, yang tidak hanya sesuai dengan konsep memiliki planet hijau di bawah pembangunan berkelanjutan,

Dengan berinovasi teknologi dan model ekonomi, Jaringan Hawk mengimplementasikan akses, identitas digital pengguna UID dan beberapa teknologi enkripsi untuk membuat perangkat, pengguna dan perusahaan tidak terhalang di Jaringan Hawk, memastikan keamanan aset dan data; HAWK Token adalah media yang mentransfer nilai Jaringan Elang, dan akan diterapkan dalam berbagai skenario, seperti pembayaran, hipotek, pembiayaan, transaksi, dan sirkulasi Internet of Things yang ditransfer. Singkatnya, Jaringan Hawk menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk memberdayakan Internet of Things tradisional, dan menjangkau generasi baru Internet of Things yang didistribusikan secara cerdas. Sementara HAWK Token adalah kunci untuk Eagle Network, itu dapat membuktikan bahwa era kecerdasan dan persepsi semua hal telah tiba.
Keuntungan berbagi skuter

Secara keseluruhan, berbagi skuter listrik memiliki dua keunggulan:

biaya operasi rendah. Salah satu kelemahan dari sepeda bersama adalah, dari waktu ke waktu, sepeda akan terakumulasi di stasiun kereta bawah tanah, tempat tinggal atau kawasan bisnis dengan populasi yang relatif besar. Setiap orang memiliki pengalaman seperti ini. Ketika Anda ingin menggunakan sepeda, selalu sulit untuk menemukan mobil.

frekuensi penggunaan yang lebih tinggi. Profitabilitas platform tergantung pada lima faktor: harga unit, penggunaan sehari-hari, biaya operasi, biaya perawatan, dan tingkat skrap kendaraan. Selain keuntungan berbagi sepeda dalam hal biaya operasi, skuter listrik bersama memiliki keuntungan dalam hal penggunaan sehari-hari.
Analisis Pasar Skuter Bersama

Menurut perusahaan riset pasar Grand View Research, pasar skuter listrik global bernilai $ 14,8 miliar pada tahun 2015. Diharapkan bahwa peningkatan emisi rumah kaca dan karbon dan peningkatan kesadaran lingkungan akan membantu mengadopsi skuter listrik selama delapan tahun ke depan. . Permintaan skuter listrik telah menyebabkan perubahan mendasar pada lansekap kendaraan yang ada di bidang desain, pengembangan, distribusi daya, dan infrastruktur daya. Peran pemerintah di India, Cina dan Jepang dalam mengembangkan standar dan peraturan stasiun pengisian kendaraan diharapkan memiliki dampak positif pada pertumbuhan regional.

Analisis Burung dan Batu Kapur pada Skuter Unicorn Enterprise
Skuter listrik bersama mencari modal. Saat ini, ada dua perusahaan kepala yang berbagi skuter listrik di Amerika Serikat, yaitu Bird and Lime. Kedua perusahaan memiliki sejumlah besar pembiayaan, karena partisipasi dari modal besar, Bird telah menerima $ 300 juta dalam pembiayaan yang dipimpin oleh Sequoia Capital, dengan penilaian $ 2 miliar; Lime telah menerima Uber dan perusahaan induk Google, Alphabet. $ 335 juta dalam pembiayaan, diduga bernilai $ 1,1 miliar.
Masalah di bidang perjalanan bersama

Saat ini, perusahaan perjalanan gabungan yang representatif, apakah itu Didi China atau Uber di Amerika Serikat, terus menggunakan versi perjalanan bersama 1.0, dan pengguna dan pengguna tidak mencapai komunikasi peer-to-peer yang sebenarnya, mereka harus melewati sentralisasi platform, Transaksi hanya dapat dilakukan setelah penugasan terintegrasi. Ini tidak hanya akan membawa banyak pengguna tersembunyi ke semua yang berpartisipasi dalam platform perdagangan, tetapi yang lebih penting, sebagai operator platform berbagi perjalanan, biayanya tinggi dan risikonya sangat besar.

Token: HAWK
Platform: Ethereum
Jenis: ERC-20
Harga: 0,0067 USD
Token Untuk Dijual:
Bonus: Ya
Hadiah: Tidak.
Daftar putih: Ya
Area Terbatas: Cina, AS
Diterima: ETH
Soft Cap: 10.000.000 USD
Hard Hat: 30.000.000 USD

$ 30 juta Hard Cap
Total Rilis Token 20? 000? 000? 000 HAWK
Tingkat sirkulasi awal adalah 20% dari total token
1Hawk harga penempatan publik = $ 0,0067
Jumlah penempatan publik HAWK 10% dari total token

Kapan harus meletakkan kunci publik No.
Apakah ada kunci pendaftaran yang telah menyetujui 400 penempatan pribadi? 000? 000 HAWK 2% dari total token
Harga penempatan pribadi HAWK babak 1 = 0,0067 USD
Periode buka kunci penempatan pribadi Tidak dikunci dalam 6 bulan
Rasio rotasi biji 200? 000? 000 HAWK 1% dari total Token
1 putaran harga HAWK seed = 0,0008 USD
Tidak ada pembukaan dalam 6 bulan
Jenis Token ERC-20

Token Distribusi 30 hari setelah penempatan publik
Distribusi angka HAWK
Bijih Kolam: 49,00%
Yayasan: 15,00%
Tim: 13,00%

Roda penawaran umum: 10.00%
Stimulasi ekologis: 10.00%
Putaran penempatan pribadi: 2,00%
Rotasi benih: 1,00%
peta jalan



penulis : zorzia

Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

Why XCARD is the Future of Payments?

Hasil gambar untuk steemit xcard
You are interested in joining the project, XCARD You must read the Rules and information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission good luck
The crypto-space is not an easy environment to maneuver. Besides being familiar with the rudiments of this sector, you are expected to be security conscious at all times. One false move and an unknown fellow somewhere is giving your account a undesired clean slate. No one wants that, but scenarios like this take place rather too often not to take the necessary precaution.

Another problem facing crypto-currency is the unstable pricing. BTC, ETH and the like have seen rapid changes in their price over the years. This is not surprising since most are not backed by any material with some value. The outcome is a non-adoption by those who are interested in a stable currency outside fiat.

Being able to find the perfect digital wallet to store and use your crypto assets is challenging with users struggling with several issues like the universality of the wallet, safety of the transaction and also the cost of transaction fees. There are numerous wallets which are available that are designed to assist you in managing and spending your crypto assets. However, none of these are perfect, and their creators often face negative criticism from users,especially the wallet’s universality.

Majority of these wallets are made to manage only a few features at a time. Security is also an all-time priority concern, and any creator is guaranteed to sell their digital wallet to you, talking about how secure and flawless it is while in reality, you face problems that come from malfunctions on the software level.

Another main issue is anonymity. These numerous digital wallets are storing user data and its always a struggle keeping the user's identity anonymous, making your digital wallet vulnerable to cybercriminals.

When it comes to spending and receiving money, crypto users become concerned with the time of transaction and the extremely high transaction fees involved. They are not keen on the idea of accumulating large additional fees while making every transfer.

You would ask yourself if there is a perfect crypto wallet out there that addresses all the problems mentioned above and even offer additional solutions for you as a user.

Well, worry no more. Let me introduce you to:


This is an all-in-one digital wallet where you can perform any financial and cryptocurrency transaction in real-time, limitlessly. Whether you are new to the platform or you are an already experienced user, your experience here is much simplified. XCARD is a product of the Mobillum ecosystem which comprises of a wallet, card, exchange and foundation API.

All these features come up with a convenient instant payment platform and point of sale system which integrates crypto and fiat currencies with the most convenient payment techniques which include cards, wire transfers and wallet to wallet transactions.


The XCARD platform is the perfect place to begin your journey towards cryptocurrencies in a very secure environment. You can buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies using your card or wire transfer, and the most enticing part is that whether you have funds or not, the platform enables you to spend money regardless with their first-ever biometric crypto credit card. This is indeed going to be a one of a kind experience.

🔗 Website: http://xcard.io/
🔗 WhitePaper: http://xcard.io/static/XCard-Whitepaper-21082019.pdf

Join/follow XCARD on all official channels:

🔗 Telegram Chat: https://t.me/mobilumcom
🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/xcardbymobilum
🔗 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mobilumcom/
🔗 Medium: https://medium.com/mobilumcom
🔗 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mobilumcom

Author : zorzia

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019

Dexa Coin

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your Dexa coin should read the Rules and information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Dexa Coinis is a revolutionary new business that simplifies sending and receiving money around the world by providing payment transfer procedures that move forward after the various steps have been removed by other traditional methods. This makes the whole process of transferring money not only easier, but also faster. Dexa Coin combines blockchain technology to revolutionize the world of money transfers. Companies and bank money transfers, even in this modern world, still use traditional methods, which are not only time-consuming, but also inconvenient. Because using traditional money transfer methods, customer satisfaction is bad, as is the whole process.

Dexa Coin is a revolutionary application that will simplify the way we send and receive money worldwide, while allowing people to communicate through the integrated instant messaging feature. The main purpose of Dexa Coin is to make the process of sending and receiving money faster safer and with easy accessibility to anyone who can operate a smartphone device. This is done by harnessing the power of blockchain technology that will help facilitate Remittance & Money Exchange like never before. By eliminating intermediaries, we will simplify the process of sending and receiving money. We offer easy-to-follow instructions that will allow anyone with a basic understanding of smartphones to transfer money at low cost and without complications.

Dexa Coin wants to go further by introducing the "instant messaging feature". This feature will also allow users to connect and communicate with each other. Brilliant and unique features that are not available to competitors, and features that will open doors to possibilities and possibilities.

It has been stated that the dexa platform is a platform that can provide connectivity to your transactions using the DEXA App mobile app that is currently being developed.

With this mobile application, you will be able to send money and your current transactions can speak to you. With the dexa application there is much more that can be done.

One of the main roles of the Dexa application is to reduce and speed up each transaction using the dexa application. Compared to real money, transaction fees are much more expensive, but using the dexa application saves more money and comes faster with dexa coins sent so that intermediaries associated with any transaction can be faster and lost.
How DEXA Coin works

Dexa Coin eliminates intermediaries and all other problems that arise with conventional money transfers and money transfer methods. Only two players participated here, and they provided full transparency.

The Dexa coin application, with its advanced technology, connects the two parties seamlessly to carry out the entire payment transfer process without difficulty. The Dexa Coin application is equipped with several features which together make the whole money transfer process easy for users. Several unique features have been included in the application that provide a competitive advantage for the application.

Let's highlight a few points of excellence and outline the future trends of the DEXA Coin project:

Send and receive money worldwide. The simple user interface ensures that this system is easy to use and anyone who has a smartphone connected to the Internet can make international money transfers, payments and purchases.
Instant Payment. Ability to pay quickly and efficiently using payments without NFC contacts or QR codes.

The ability to connect your bank account. You can connect payment cards like VISA, MasterCard.

Instant messaging feature. This is a unique competitive advantage. This provides an unparalleled level of communication for platform users.
Effective security. This company offers full protection and resistance against hacker attacks. User safety is a priority for the DEXA Coin project.

User privacy. User privacy and protection are top priorities. The instant messaging feature will be based on a unique encryption principle that limits third party access and ensures that messages remain private to users.

According to the world bank, the US has the largest money transfer in the world. Transaction costs are huge every year, many of which are from us.
With the dexa application you can also buy with the dexa application it has a QR Code which only needs to be scanned for the mobile application to track the code. With this, you will be able to pay with such mobile applications throughout the world.
(QR code) and (NFC code)

There is also a prepaid card that will release the dexa platform for non-bank accounts and will function as a storage resource for the dexa application. Higher security and privacy from each user of this platform.

Platform: Ethey
Type: ERC-20
Sticker: (DEXA)

Total Supply of DEXA tokens: 100 BILLION

ID Kontrak: 0x725440512cb7b78bf56b334e50e31707418231cb

Based on the benefits of this platform, it is very important for all of us to hold DEXA tokens. These are just a few suggestions for wise people. Although the platform plans to manage private token, pre-sale and public sale of DEXA.


Personal Sales
5 Billion DEXA tokens will be available for sale.
Participants will enjoy 30% bonus
. Price will be pegged at 1 DEXA = 0.00003 USD.
10 Billion DEXA tokens will be available for sale.
Participants will enjoy a 20% bonus
. The price will be pegged at 1 DEXA = 0.00004 USD
General Sales
35 Billion DEXA tokens will be available for sale
No bonus
Prices will be pegged at 1 DEXA = 0.00005 USD
Stay tuned,
I will publish the date the sale began.


In short, the traditional method of transfer of money does not follow the sophisticated technique of seeking global money transfer. They are slow, unstable and expensive. In contrast, DexaCoin, which uses blockchain as its backbone technology, provides a complete, secure, fast, and very inexpensive solution to all problems and money transfer needs.
Then go a step further by giving your users a feature called "instant messaging" that will keep them connected to friends and family for personal and business purposes.
So with efficient and innovative new features, Dexa will revolutionize the coin money transfer game.

Situs website: https://dexacoin.net/
Technical document: https://dexacoin.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/DEXA-COIN-OFFICIAL-WHITEPAPER-UPDATED-24th-JUL-2019- 6-PM, pdf
ANN Subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5158033.0
Blog: https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/DEXA_COIN
Telegram: https://t.me/dexacoin
Twitter : https: / /twitter.com/DEXA_COIN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DEXACOIN.DEXA/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/DEXA_COIN
Average: https://medium.com / @ DEXA_COIN

Author : zorzia

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019


Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek, PAYEERCOIN Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda


Payeercoin (PYC) adalah cara berpikir, hidup & berkomunikasi yang baru. Di zaman modern, kita hidup di desa global dan untuk alasan itu, kita semua harus bersatu dalam mata uang global. PYC adalah solusi mata uang global yang bertujuan untuk membangun ekosistem terdesentralisasi standar untuk identitas online. PYC adalah jaringan kepercayaan yang beragam, terintegrasi, tersebar dan infrastruktur untuk membangun ekosistem tepercaya. Kami memiliki paten global yang tertunda pada teknologi yang memungkinkan pembayaran mata uang kripto instan. Kami sedang mengembangkan API yang memungkinkan integrasi mudah untuk menerima PYC secara instan. Ini berarti akan mudah untuk memungkinkan sistem e-commerce memberikan checkout instan.

PYC adalah mata uang digital yang dirancang untuk orang dan untuk penggunaan sehari-hari. Ini meningkatkan pada blockchain Ethereum asli dan mendukung untuk mencapai tujuan menyediakan individu dan bisnis dengan cara yang cepat, efisien dan terdesentralisasi untuk melakukan transaksi langsung sambil menjaga privasi Anda. Ini adalah perangkat lunak sumber terbuka 100% dan bukan perusahaan swasta yang didanai melalui ICO. Upaya pengembangan dan pemasaran yang didukung oleh anggota komunitas sukarelawan. singkatan Sistem Pembayaran Terdesentralisasi. Fokus pada komunitas dan mendukung aset dari intrusi yang didukung. Penjangkauan dan adopsi massa yang inovatif bersama dengan pengembangan ekosistem untuk orang lain untuk berkontribusi pada blockchain

PYC dibuat oleh tim besar dengan visi yang luar biasa, yaitu untuk menciptakan mata uang kripto yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan mata uang dunia nyata. Ratusan tahun bank sentral telah memperburuk ekonomi dunia dengan ketidakstabilan, kroni-kapitalisme, perang yang berlarut-larut, pemerintahan kolosal, dan sistem fiat yang didukung pemerintah yang tidak didukung. Gelombang pasang mulai berubah, dan mengubah mata uang terdesentralisasi. Untuk memenuhi harapan-harapan ini dibuat untuk memenuhi prinsip-prinsip dasar mata uang terpenuhi; itu harus merupakan unit akun, dapat dibagi, stabil, dan diterima. Tim manajemen dan komunitas terobsesi untuk memenuhi persyaratan ini, terutama penerimaan, yang kami yakini merupakan bahan utama dari setiap mata uang yang berhasil.

Bagaimana Cara Membeli PYC?
Setelah menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran, akun PYC Anda akan siap untuk masuk. Saat masuk ke akun Anda, pergi ke bilah navigasi dan klik tombol "Setoran". Halaman setoran akan memberi Anda opsi untuk menyimpan dengan Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Riak (XRP), 

Litecoin (LTC), Uang Tunai (BCH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Koin Binance (BNB), Monero (XMR) , Dashcoin (DASH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Bittorrent (BTT), ZCASH (ZEC), Tron (TRX), Neo (NEO), dan Perfect Money (PM). Pilih opsi yang Anda inginkan dan ikuti petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan proses setoran. Setelah menyelesaikan setoran, akun Anda akan mencerminkan saldo. Sekarang, Anda dapat membeli PYC pada tombol “Beli PYC”. Selamat, Anda sekarang adalah pemilik token PYC yang bangga.

Peluang Penemu PYC
Banyak yang berubah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di dunia cryptos dengan datangnya blockchain. Dalam skenario yang paling menjanjikan ini dari teknologi blockchain global dan cryptocurrency, kami membawa PYC untuk menang memanfaatkan kekuatan platform digital untuk Penambangan, peminjam dan sponsor. Beberapa orang pertama yang berinvestasi dalam Bitcoin melakukan investasi yang sangat baik. Sekarang Anda memiliki peluang untuk menjadi salah satu investor pertama di PYC. Berinvestasi sekarang dapat membuat perubahan dan keuntungan bagi Anda dalam proses.

Misi kami adalah memberdayakan orang-orang di seluruh dunia dengan melakukan transaksi blockchain. PYC memungkinkan untuk melakukan transaksi langsung dengan cepat, efisien dan pribadi.

Dengan PYC, bisnis, dan individu memiliki opsi fleksibel untuk mengirim dan menerima pembayaran. Dengan flip switch, kami menawarkan integrasi yang bermanfaat dan memfasilitasi mereka untuk melakukan transaksi besar antara pedagang dan pembayaran skala pribadi.

PYC adalah jaringan tepercaya, beragam, terintegrasi, terdistribusi, dan infrastruktur untuk membangun ekosistem tepercaya. Kami memiliki paten global yang tertunda pada teknologi yang memungkinkan pembayaran mata uang kripto instan. Pembayaran instan akan dimulai di PYC tetapi paten kami juga mencakup Bitcoin dan cryptocurrency lainnya. Kami sedang mengembangkan API yang memungkinkan mudah untuk MENERIMA PYC secara instan. Ini berarti akan mudah untuk memungkinkan sistem e-commerce menyediakan checkout instan.

Investor akan senang memperkirakan memberi PYC estimasi untuk platform pilihan Anda. Anda dapat mengunduh dompet untuk Android Tor Wallet, Dompet Tor Windows, Dompet Tor QT OSX, Dompet Tor OSX, Dompet Tor Linux, Dompet Tor QT Linux. Setelah menyelesaikan ICO, Anda dapat menginstal dari Payeercoin.com.

Berdaganglah di platform platform perdagangan yang kuat yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pedagang yang ingin mendukung, mengatur, dan kecepatan maksimum. Pertukaran antara semua mata uang populer dengan beberapa klik. PYC bangga membawa peluang perdagangan di satu tempat.

Kolam Penambangan
Penambang adalah peralatan pertambangan yang sangat efisien yang dirancang khusus untuk penambangan PYC. Penambang terhubung ke kolam. Ada banyak yang dapat diterima agar Payeercoin.com dapat terhubung dengan yang Anda pilih. Ini memungkinkan Anda menemukan kombinasi yang paling menguntungkan.

Komisi Referensi
Cukup rujukan URL rujukan Anda atau bagikan dengan teman, keluarga, dan siapa saja yang mendaftar akan otomatis terdaftar sebagai rujukan Anda dan Anda akan mendapat komisi setiap kali mereka menggunakan situs web! Anda bisa mendapatkan komisi 15% dengan persetujuan pengguna ke Payeercoin.com !

Bila Anda memiliki lebih dari 50 rujukan, Anda dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk mengundang Payeercoin.com ! Jika Anda memilih yang mewakili, kami akan memberi tahu Anda melalui email yang disetujui Anda. Dari semua perwakilan akan mendapatkan bonus perwakilan minimum $ 100,00 dan maksimum $ 10.000,00 untuk aktivitas mereka.

Platform Aman dan Aman
Dengan saluran pembayaran yang sangat aman, dan aman, pedagang menjamin dana transfer. Hubungan transparan biaya dan komisi yang disetujui online peer to peer teraman.


85% Untuk peserta Airdrop, Pre-Sale dan ICO
6% Dicadangkan untuk penambangan
5% Dicadangkan untuk Tim.
2% Dicadangkan untuk Penujukan.
2% kampanye Hadiah.

Nama: Payeercoin
Simbol: PYC
Standar: ERC-20
Platform: ETH
Desimal: 18

Total pembelian: 50.000.000 PYC
Alamat Kontak: 0xb5654e3220ed8302415fb5f9241d5df5a9ca7935
Lihat detail di: Etherscan Explorer

Peta jalan

JAN-FEB: Metode Pengembangan Konsep & Penyerbuan PYC
MAR-APR: Payeercoin.com secara resmi mengendalikan proyek PYC
MEI-JUNI: Lengkapi halaman WhitePaper & Landing
JULI: Pembuatan koin PYC & Airdrop
AUG-SEP: Bounty dan ICO Running
SEP: PYC Pertukaran Eksternal & Program Pinjaman Volantitas Koin PYC
OCT: Program PYC Stack & Program Penambangan PYC
NOV: Program Pertukaran Perdagangan PYC
DES: Peluncuran penukar Crypto


John Samuelson: CEO / Pendiri
Ronald James: Rekan Pendiri
William Tailor: CTO
Miller: Koordinator

Untuk informasi lebih rinci, lihat tautan di bawah ini:

Hormat kami, Semoga berhasil sesuai target Terima kasih

Penulis : zrzia


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your CRYPTOKNOWMICS should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission
The incentive-based market normally tends to perform better compared to other forms of marketing, and the performance can be even greatly improved by offering consumers more valued rewards for quality content and sharing across various platforms. This initiative assists in boosting visibility, creating a sense of familiarity of the brand with a wider range of consumers, which could potentially increase purchasing likelihood.

Participants of the cryptoknowmics platform are rewarded with tokens for providing quality content, reading, engaging, and participating in interactive content within the platform. The following actions are rewarded:

The media industries has been lacking behind in the adoption of blockchain technology and without this technology in media industry there can’t be and great development or progress in the media industry. In order to develop the media industry, a new blockchain based project known as CRYPTOKNOWMICS was launched so as bring development and likewise revolutionize the entire media industries. The whole world believes decentralization is the way out of the problem human race is facing and in order to make that a reality, there is need for adoption of blockchain technology in every sector.

Blockchain technology is believed to have some great features such as high level of transparency, greater accuracy, high security, high speed and low processing cost among others which can really help with the development and revolution of media industries. With the introduction of blockchain technology in the media industry, decentralization will set in and this will bring effective audience targeting, content distribution and better advertising system which are the major objective of the media industry.

The concept of blockchain technology was mainly connected with crypto-currency that was introduced some years ago with the development of the first decentralized digital currency known as bitcoin. Ever since the launch of this digital currency, there has been a huge demand in crypto-currency which was as a result of gradual integration and adoption of technology in every sector. With the development in every sector so far, it was discovered that blockchain technology is not just about crypto-currency alone but with the advent of this technology, the structure of other industries has been changed and with the use of this technology in CRYPTOKNOWMICS media it is expected that the entire media industries we also be changed.

The media industry is one of the fastest growing industries and because of this, there is need for advanced, secure and effective technology to grow and this is why CRYPTOKNOWMICS was launched to solve the issue facing the media industries.

Some issues and problems are known with the media industries such fake authenticity of news been published in the centralized platform, lack of transparency, low rewards to content writer and publishers, low audience reach, piracy issue, intermediary, digital right management and high cost of advertisement.

CRYPTOKNOWMICS is a decentralized media platform with the objectives of incentivizing its ecosystem. It aims to becoming the best and largest media platform in the crypto-space with the provision of accurate and reliable data/information to the entire community. It aims to provide all-in-one solutions for information and services for the industry.
CRYPTOKNOWMICS is designed with features in its ecosystem such as good user interface, incentivization, and use of AI.

CRYPTOKNOWMICS MVP section includes the following features such as the news segment, ICO/IEO/STO listing, exchange listing, Airdrops Listing, Events Listing, Job Services Listing, Blog, Dapp Listing, and Latest Crypto Prices. All these are the features that can be found in CRYPTOKNOWMICS platform.

CRYPTOKNOWMICS has launched its own native token so as to help its objective in revolutionizing the media industry. Details of CRYPTOKNOWMICS native token below


Token Name => Cryptoknowmics Token
Token Symbol => CKM
Token Type => ERC20
Token Supply => 10,000,000,000
Token Price => $0.0024

30% Allocated to Content Contributors/Subscribers
25% Allocated to Private/Crowd Sale
15% Allocated Bonus Reserve
15% Allocated to Team Reserve
10% Allocated to Advisors and Partners
5% Allocated to Bounties and Airdrop




Author : zorzia

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2019

Mining Bitcoin

Success Greetings to All of You in the BLG Community
Back with me, zorzia this time I invite you to review an interesting project that will lead you to the next success. Bitcoin mining is an important cycle of the Bitcoin network, Parties that we often know with the term "Miner" are those who act as security in the Bitcoin network by confirming every Bitcoin transaction on the network. This mining process when you first live the bitcoin network is very profitable, how not? Only with a simple PC setup can we be a "Miner" in the bitcoin network that is valued every time we mine blocks on the network. As time goes by the difficulty of each block increases and requires a setting that qualifies to become a "Miner" which of course costs a lot because of that Cloud-Mining scheme was introduced where we only need to pay a Contract for GH / s to become a "Miner" in the network bitcoin and Hashmart are service providers who gave us mining contract options to be part of the bitcoin network!

Breaking The Big Cryptocurrency BarriersPurchasing your mining equipment can become quite expensive, very fast. Based upon your state, the power might also be rather costly, producing your urge to start your own mining operations much less likely to take place. Sometimes, you would also be losing money when you do the mathematics in the conclusion. That is exactly why cloud mining processes have been put up - to assist precisely people like people, that cannot start mining utilizing their own gigs.

https://hashmart.io/ is an official industry affiliation, water innovation and refrigeration organization. You get the most extreme executions that require the least amount of effort. Basic and easy to use, with clear and direct measurements:
There is no compelling reason to buy hardware

There is no support fee
There is no vacation hardware
Mining begins after installments
we can also use the referral program provided by anyone who can follow it. and get around 5% from our initial purchase reference.

To create an account, we can all visit: https://hashmart.io/special/834630

by providing open contracts, users can easily and affordably start mining while maintaining the diversification of their investments. This is considered more flexible if the purchase of a mining contract within a certain time period because the value of bitcoin on the market is unstable. it is feared that it will have an impact on the diversification of the value of our investment which will decline. if one day the price of bitcoin on the market goes down, we also immediately terminate the contract and withdraw the invested assets. with payments and purchases made every day. then we eliminate anxiety because we wait for the withdrawal time.
as it grows and improves the features of Hashmart itself. I personally cannot claim that there are no device maintenance or technical costs. like other mining groups, but for now Hashmart has not implemented this rule. so it can still be said that this is recommended for us in bitcoin mining.

So far, I consider Hashmart to consistently develop the services they have. by prioritizing customer satisfaction. but no doubt we are also waiting for tests from the miners who are already active there regarding the services provided by Hashmart itself. whether satisfying or not. but from my personal analysis, the operational time is more than two years and with active miners around 1000 miners. can certainly be a consideration for investment in the cryptocurrency mining world. But whatever decision you make is entirely your risk.
Website: https://hashmart.io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hashmart.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hashmart_io
Telegram: https://t.me/hashmart_chat
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4670924.0
Author : zorzia
Bitcointalk :  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2283026
If you are interested in joining the project, your Rokes should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission good luck

Cryptocurrency industry is growing and gaining momentum. Every day the number of new users and companies in this industry continues to grow. All this is connected with a multitude of factors, among them the decentralization that Blockchain technology presents. It eliminates problems caused by a centralized business system. At the moment there is a problem that I often come across is that it is very difficult for many digital currency owners, investors and traders to find a reliable trading platform.

Changing cryptocurrencies over time has actually shaped financial consolidation events and created a functional platform for investing in third-party businesses, such as cryptocurrencies. So, in terms of blockchain, in essence, it is a node created in a decentralized structure, so that users can explore and create unique projects for the whole world. Projects to do on the blockchain are often smart, clear and life-changing, just like ideas are changing around the world. Consequently, cryptocurrency exchange is becoming one of the most serious problems for cryptocurrency users or investors. The ability to buy real-time cryptocurrencies is one of the best technological advances in the world of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, making the financial liquidity of the system more functional and unquestionable. Rokes cryptocurrency platform is one of the most feasible and functional business platform. It identifies and represents the common difference in how a cryptocurrency exchange can be successfully exchanged using ERC20 parking.

How Rokes Exchange Works
In essence, Rokes, as a platform, establishes a platform that creates the right structure and distinction of how much cryptocurrency can be traded and profitable, despite its volatility and structure. In fact, using the Rokes platform is the pinnacle of well-designed business standardization and prospects. using the ERC20 paradigm. This is the most standard structure to use, and it supports the unique integration of various cryptocurrencies with currency exchange. In essence, Rokes, as a platform, establishes a platform that creates the right structure and distinction of how much cryptocurrency can provide profit and profit, despite its volatility and structure. In fact,

Features and Benefits:
High Security: Your personal data is always encrypted, which guarantees very high reliability and security.
The currencies will be simple and understandable even for newbies.
Rokes Exchange accepts any credit or debit card from VISA or MasterCard.

Only the best and highest cryptocurrencies: Buy your digital assets in a wide range of the world's most popular cryptocurrencies.
Personal Wallet: Upload your documents here
Reliable platform: You can use all services, wherever you are, and you can always rely on the reliability of the trading platform.
Customer support, which you can trust.
Support agents are always ready to answer any questions you may ask at any time you wish.

Road Map

And if you are interested in this campaign, you can always find out the details by clicking these links. And make some conclusions for yourself as well.

Additional information:

Website: https://rokes.exchange
Whitepaper: https://imgur.com/tHH2Y4A
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5150243.0
Telegram: https://t.me/commonsosexchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CommonsRealty
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommonsRealty-1034402950064588

Author : zorzia
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2283026
ETH : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a