Jumat, 29 Mei 2020


In the age of advanced technology like now, everything is completely digital. In fact, money is now undergoing digitalization. This digital money is also called cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency can be defined as digital assets that are designed to function as an exchange tool by using cryptography to guarantee financial transactions, control the formation of additional units, and verify asset transfers.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency based on cryptography. Cryptocurrency already existed around ten years ago and has now become quite popular, widespread, and covered with many controversies from innovative developments. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency where transactions can be done online. Unlike printed paper currencies, cryptocurrency is designed by solving cryptographic mathematical problems.

Digital currencies are usually decentralized. That is, in general is far safer than those that are centralized. The value of cryptographic-based digital currencies comes from their rarity, and the process of their creation through complex mathematical solving, their unique encryption values, and their beliefs and uses also come from the whole community

The first cryptocurrency to be present and successful was Bitcoin, which was discovered by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi Nakamoto has succeeded in finding a revolutionary system that is a system that functions to facilitate decentralized digital money transactions. A decentralized money system is a network that is able to connect its users without the need for intermediaries or third parties.

Digital currency is perhaps the most effective way the world has ever done to increase economic freedom. If this happens, the implications are profound. It can lift many countries out of poverty, improve the lives of billions of people, and accelerate the pace of innovation in the world.

We have imagined the future. The future that is closest to us for the payment system. To do this we must forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. We entered a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. Our future jhon will leave the house, enter the coffee shop and pay with our ioox coins by putting the ioox ring on the chest reader.

He would not have anything with it, only his own ring or bracelet.
In the near future we will pay with the ioox coins and the ioox ring which, in addition to allowing us to pay, will contain our basic information: Blood type, allergies, shelter, how many steps we take per day and what life expectancy we have based on our lifestyle. Enter our future.

ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into a Blockchain ecosystem with current payment systems. You can carry out daily micro-transactions, every day with ioox coin and the ioox wearable systems (ring or bracelet) and set the daily budget through the remote setting. It will therefore be possible to set up payments with ioox coin in the partner shops or in USD in stores that are not yet enabled.

We are developing a tool for everyday life for everyone, and every person we know very well, has different times and approaches to new technologies.

Transparency & Trust
Through the management tool it will be possible to set and memorize your ring usage preferences. You can set daily payment limits and track monthly expenses. We want to build a transparent, fast and dynamic ecosystem. A new payment system, not a clone of old systems.

Investor profits follow two paths. Increase in the value of the currency proportional to the number of use. We want to reach mass, this is our goal. The second avenue of profit derives from the sale of the technological support, ring or bracelet with the ioox brand

Payment Flexiblity
Easy payment and payment with cryptographic tokens, these are our mantras. Payments are immediate and can be transferred to any cryptographic wallet.

The roadmap includes the design of a secure wallet to hold, receive and send their native coins in total safety.

One Platform For Mass Adoption

The native ioox project implementation platform works on the Ethereum network. A reliable and secure Blockchain network. Our choice was guided by the need to exploit the security and reliability of an existing network and apply to it a technology that predicts that by 2020 about 340 million people will use wearable payment systems, smartwatches, rings, etc. source The IHS report Near Field Communications. We will be part of this future and we will be trusted carriers.

Final Consideration
ioox’s primary goal is to make the ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. Participating in the ioox project means being part of the future. Transactions via wearable device are 40% faster and within a few years they will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for us.


Coin Name: ioox
Tickers / Symbol: ioox
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 ioox

Decimals: 8
Contract Address: 0xf6923F7d96fc22c4b8010a865e41cF7edfB6379C
Distribution Token
Public Sale: 20%
Private Sale: 40%
Reserve Fund: 10%
Team & Founder: 15%
Bounty & Events: 6%
Advisors & Partners: 9%



Andrea N: Founder
Ilenia M: Co-founder
Massimiliano: QA & IT Manager
Claudio C: Electronic Designer
Steven Chung: Project Development, Blockchain
Monir: Project Adviser & Bounty Manager
Faizan: Blockchain Researcher & Developer

Senin, 25 Mei 2020


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, your OZCAR should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission
Ozcar sta coinvolgendo i produttori di sostanze per adattarsi attraverso l'innovazione blockchain
La creazione di contenuti è il percorso verso la fornitura di riflessioni puntuali che interessano la persona dell'acquirente, creando sostanza formata o visiva attorno a quelle contemplazioni e rendendo tali informazioni aperte al tuo gruppo come blog, video, infografica o altra disposizione. La comunicazione elettronica da persona a persona è un accorto progresso mediato dal PC che supporta la creazione o la condivisione di informazioni, contemplazioni, interessi occupazionali e vari tipi di spiegazioni mediante metodi per sistemi e framework virtuali. Il raggruppamento di organizzazioni di amministrazione dei sistemi basate sul Web che sono solitarie e verificabili a partire da ora aperto presenta sfide di definizione; in ogni caso, ci sono alcune caratteristiche tipiche.

Secondo un rapporto, oltre la metà delle persone del pianeta è dinamica per mezzo di mezzi di amministrazione di sistemi elettronici che stanno incoraggiando l'aggiunta nell'avviso di vita online e avanzando. Nel 2020, la retribuzione derivante dall'attività flessibile di amministrazione dei sistemi basata su Web salirà a 21 miliardi di dollari. Oltre l'87% dei sostenitori sta pubblicizzando sul web per ottenere traffico per migliorare gli accordi, creare contatti, offrire potenziali clienti e fan. Mentre il 55% degli sponsor deve fondamentalmente produrre l'introduzione e la legittimità del marchio. Lo scopo standard di Ozcar è quello di rivolgersi sia all'organizzazione delle strutture di vita online sia al mercato di avanzamento per offrire una risposta unica per le persone organizzate.

Ozcar è una corrispondenza casuale decentralizzata a lungo raggio che sta mettendo la sicurezza e la soddisfazione dei clienti come la sua prima necessità. È una filosofia creativa verso tecniche chiare e autosufficienti per la proprietà dei dati dei clienti, la concessione di promozioni e la libertà di parola. È il primo che viene pagato per la creazione di contenuti e la condizione di condivisione che ha utilizzato porzioni di token OCR per la struttura dei premi.

Ozcar utilizza l'avanzamento della blockchain per supervisionare la selezione dei clienti e dei produttori di sostanze, il sistema di deposito a garanzia, il commercio scattante, l'adeguamento della responsabilità, la varietà modificata e la diffusione della ricompensa OCR. Ozcar prevede di trovare un buon ritmo di miliardi di potenti web che mettono insieme i clienti della vita rispetto ai telefoni cellulari il cui tasso di avanzamento azionato annuo è superiore al 10%.

La nostra visione è quella di trasformarci nella principale corrispondenza relazionale a lungo raggio per organizzare creatori di contenuti, influenzatori, inserzionisti, sponsor e clienti dinamici. Attraverso l'avanzamento della blockchain e l'economia tokenizzata, dobbiamo eliminare il deterrente degli emarginati e dei maestri uniti che realizzeranno bassi costi commerciali e organizzativi. Il sistema di premi vicino al ribaltamento della società non aumenterà semplicemente l'affiliazione con i clienti, ma diminuirà inoltre la minaccia di coercizione e falsi like su sostanze di bassa qualità.

La vetrina target fondamentale per Ozcar sono i clienti dinamici della vita online, i promotori di asso, i supporti e i creatori di sostanze inventive. Queste persone effettuano un significativo livello di traffico di comunicazione informale a lungo raggio online e cercano in modo affidabile funzionalità avanzate con costi bassi e premi aggiuntivi. Pertanto, il gruppo Ozcar deve utilizzare il proprio sviluppo come ingresso aperto per la scelta del proprio stabilimento. Ozcar helper target advertising sta avanzando, media, pubbliche relazioni e pubblicizzando fasi, alla ricerca di una fase garantita, chiara e affidabile per appropriarsi della sostanza dei propri clienti. Avranno ulteriore assistenza con i dati situativi dei produttori di sostanze.

Vantaggio unito Ozcar

1. Abbiamo una riunione varia con affiliazioni del mercato sia con la blockchain che con l'industria della vita online.

2. La nostra prospettiva meccanica è eccezionalmente forte con 3 elementi in linea, ad esempio Ozcar Delivery person, Ozcar Application e Ozcar Trade.

3. Ci stiamo adoperando per creare un dominio con funzionalità importanti, ad esempio Android, noti il ​​portafoglio flessibile di iOS e la struttura dell'impegno in commissione, il sistema di remunerazione in un'applicazione compatta e la decisione di acquisto di denaro di quartiere con assistenza multilingue in cambio.

4. Stiamo offrendo bassi costi di negoziazione e di deposito a garanzia con il caso d'uso dell'OCR.
5. Diamo tutto il giorno, supporto costante, pacchetti premium straordinari e alta sicurezza.
6. Per una supervisione sensata tra i clienti, Ozcar ha introdotto la funzione di deposito a garanzia nel 

portatore di bandiera che ridurrà le minacce di coercizione. Le risorse saranno rese disponibili dopo 
un'adeguata comprensione tra due affari sociali e ciascun record commerciale sarà tenuto sul palco
7. Ozcar sta migliorando i benefici di scambio dell'interfaccia utente diretta. Exchange tornerà onestamente e memorizzerà le richieste tramite il rappresentante Ozcar e l'applicazione Ozcar.

Sulla persona che consegna Ozcar, ogni operazione di deposito a garanzia è data di rivelazione diretta di comprensione, proporzione di mosse di vantaggi e stato dei benefici. Per salvaguardare Ozcar, incaricato della persona, i clienti al sicuro da truffe Il costo dell'impegno dell'1% sarà condiviso tra il 50 e il 50% tra mittente e destinatario. Nel momento in cui viene sollecitata la richiesta e le due occasioni sociali vengono soddisfatte, l'aggregato selezionato verrà rilasciato e incluso nel conto fornitore o creatore della sostanza come token OCR.

Lo stato situazionale o di fiducia aiuterà i clienti a concludere un corso d'azione. Nel caso in cui ci dovesse essere un evento di conflitto, qualsiasi evento sociale connesso con la comprensione può interessare agli obiettivi della domanda. La fase Ozcar sceglierà una giuria dalla fiducia dei clienti e dall'associazione Ozcar per scegliere una decisione, come dimostrato dai termini e dalle condizioni di comprensione.

L'OCR è un grande token ERC-20 creato utilizzando l'ultima versione di pragma 0.5.12. In generale verrà utilizzato sul palcoscenico di Ozcar per pagare i costi commerciali e i creatori di sostanze nelle vicinanze compensando i clienti dipendenti dalla loro attività e responsabilità.

Quale criptovaluta avrei la possibilità di utilizzare l'acquisto

BTC, Eth, LTC, XRP, XLM, BCH, USDT, TRX e Run saranno riconosciuti nelle vicinanze di USD. Dopo la registrazione, inserisci l'indirizzo del tuo portafoglio ERC 20, cancella kyc e trova la richiesta di ottenere OCR. I token OCR verranno spostati entro 24 ore dopo aver cancellato la parte all'indirizzo del portafoglio indicato. In caso di documenti kyc mancanti o tolleranti sfumature dell'indirizzo del portafoglio ERC20, la raccolta di Ozcar ti offrirà quasi la possibilità di completare le informazioni. Ricorda, puoi ritirare i token OCR attorno al completamento di ICO. Il gruppo Ozcar inizia ora in contatto con i presunti scambi per elencare il token OCR. La pubblicazione dei token inizierà nella fase Q4 2020, comunque il nome degli scambi verrà rivelato dopo l'accordo aperto.


Site: https://www.ozcar.io/
Whitepaper: https: //www.ozcar.io/ozcarwp.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ozcar-113684230075251/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/ozcar_official
Message: https://t.me/ozcar_official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozcar_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozcar/
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Ozcar-1
Ann String: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5228689.0

Minggu, 24 Mei 2020

GLDS adalah perusahaan crypto penambangan emas pertama di dunia

Untuk bergabung dengan proyek, Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda

Emas adalah yang paling fleksibel dan setara. Emas, perak, tembaga. Emas dan perak. Sejujurnya, emas adalah salah satu logam utama yang penting bagi mereka yang berasal dari 3400 SM.

Gdigit (GLDS) adalah upaya untuk menyediakan energi kolaboratif yang kuat melalui pengembangan komputer yang tinggi di sektor ekonomi asli, terutama melalui ekstraksi emas dan berbagai logam mulia. Perbedaan antara tugas dan analog adalah bahwa setiap token GLGS memiliki emas yang sama (dibandingkan dengan 0,02 gram), memberikan kekuatan dan daya tarik spekulatif.

3 alasan penting untuk membeli emas
Ada 3 alasan umum untuk membeli emas untuk investor: mereka menggunakan ini secara aktif sebagai lindung nilai, tempat yang aman atau investasi langsung. Mari kita lihat bagaimana alasan ini bisa menguntungkan Anda.

Emas sebagai lindung nilai. Hedging adalah investasi yang mengimbangi kerugian di kelas aset lainnya. Beberapa orang membeli emas untuk melakukan lindung nilai terhadap jatuhnya biaya mata uang tertentu, terutama dolar AS. Emas adalah lindung nilai terbaik terhadap kejatuhan pasar saham, menurut statistik dalam periode sejarah yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, biaya emas meningkat dari $ 347,20 menjadi $ 833,75 per ounce antara tahun 2002 dan 2007. Pada saat yang sama, harga dolar turun 40% terhadap euro.

Emas sebagai tempat yang aman. Safe haven adalah instrumen untuk melindungi investor dari bencana yang tiba-tiba. Dan banyak orang membeli emas ketika mereka harus berhadapan dengan krisis keuangan. Ini adalah keputusan rasional: misalnya, krisis plafon utang 2011 mengakibatkan kenaikan serius harga emas. Mulai dari $ 869,75 pada 2008 hingga $ 1895 pada September 2011.

Emas sebagai investasi langsung. Dengan cara ini untuk membeli emas, mari manfaatkan kenaikan harga di masa depan. Investor berharap mendapat untung sebagai akibat dari berbagai faktor ekonomi dan politik yang dapat mempengaruhi kenaikan harga emas.

Apa masalahnya?
Bukan rahasia lagi bahwa emas adalah salah satu upaya terbaik saat ini. GLDS akan mengungkapkan alasan ini kepada berbagai pembeli yang menggunakan inovasi blockchain dan menciptakan mata uang kripto mereka sendiri. Pelanggan GLDS dapat membeli logam mulia dengan biaya tertinggi dan kepercayaan penuh pada integritas dan keamanan semua pertukaran dalam kerangka kerja.

GLDS juga bergantung pada pekerjaan saat ini, toko-toko emas dan perencana kelas atas di Republik Kazakhstan. Organisasi ini memimpin bisnis yang sepenuhnya legal dengan akuntansi dan perincian langsung. Studi penambangan dan persiapan lebih lanjut dari logam mulia telah diberikan banyak lisensi yang dibuat oleh kelompok administratif dan kontrol Republik Kazakhstan.

Toko emas yang diklaim oleh organisasi kami terletak di bagian timur Kazakhstan. Survei tanah kami telah merilis informasi yang menegaskan bahwa uang masuk akal di tempat kerja. Telah dikonfirmasi bahwa toko-toko dan teras Placer mengandung sekitar 1.000 kg logam mulia. Vena belerang-kuarsa di daerah ini diperkirakan sekitar 5-6 ton emas. Jadwal produksi tiga tahun telah ditetapkan untuk 2023, dan Bank Nasional Kazakhstan akan fokus membeli semua saham.

Mata uang digital Gdigit didukung oleh emas asli.

Pencarian dan penilaian pekerjaan.
Persiapan bisnis untuk proyek pencarian kerja dan penilaian dilakukan sepenuhnya dalam struktur geografis, eksplorasi, tingkat entri, dan mineralisasi alam di wilayah studi. Tingkat bisnis meliputi:

Cari Kursus Bisnis Medan dan
Pertimbangkan Geokimia Terrain

Kegiatan penetrasi
Studi tes yang kompleks
Teks alternatif untuk gambar ini

GLDS adalah perusahaan cryptocurrency pertama di dunia yang membangun hubungan sinergis antara kemajuan yang maju dan ekonomi regional dan penambangan emas. Dalam upaya kami, inovasi blockchain digunakan untuk membuat penambangan emas lebih mudah dan lebih efektif. Emas memberikan keamanan dan upaya untuk mendukung token GLDS.

Ringkasan proyek:
Tujuan utama bisnis kami adalah membuat emas lebih menarik dan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Kami menerima penggunaan formulir kriptografi untuk memberikan uang secara kritis.

Untuk mencapai tujuan yang kami tetapkan sebelumnya, kami menciptakan mata uang digital terdesentralisasi kami sendiri sebagai bagian dari bisnis GLDS kami. Andalkan ide yang sangat mekanis untuk mencapai likuiditas tinggi untuk token bisnis. Setiap koin yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan kami didukung oleh 0,02 gram emas dengan memasukkan dua alat spekulatif yang tampaknya terpisah dari dunia, seperti emas dan uang digital. Setiap anggota dari inisiatif GLDS memiliki kesempatan untuk membuat awal yang sangat inovatif, tetapi menjamin penghasilan otomatis untuk semua yang membawa kehidupan.

GLDS Token GLDS adalah alat multifungsi yang dapat digunakan dengan berbagai cara. Nilai intrinsik dari token GLDS berasal dari paritas emas. Setiap token yang dimiliki oleh pemegang GLDS bernilai 0,02 gram emas. Harga nominal GLDS adalah $ 1, tetapi selama token ICO tersedia untuk pembelian dengan diskon. Ini secara efektif berarti bahwa pengguna awal token kami membeli emas dengan harga terbaik yang tersedia di pasar.

Teknologi blockchain seumur hidup di dunia digital
● Menurut cryptocurrency Coinmarketcap Rs 2300, saat ini jumlah cryptocurrency di dunia. 
● 12000 pcs penambang ASIC Ini adalah jumlah penambang ASIC yang bekerja di pertanian penambangan terbesar di Cina Timur Laut. 
● 7 wilayah Liberland

total wilayah Republik Indonesia Gratis adalah 7 kilometer persegi

Liberland, negara yang memproklamirkan diri yang merupakan mata uang cadangan dalam bentuk bitcoin.

● 100000+

baris kode
Apa cryptocurrency paling terkenal di planet ini dengan berapa banyak baris kode.

Di akhir putaran ICO tertutup tahun 2019, pra-penjualan dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan USD 1.000.000 (1.000.000 token GLDS dijual, dengan bonus 50% - 1.500.000 bonus GLDS).

ICO pertama

Babak 1. Putaran ICO utama dimulai pada 15 Februari 2020 dan akan dibagi menjadi beberapa fase.

2. Putaran ICO utama akan selesai pada atau sebelum 15 Agustus 2020, jika semua token dijual.
3. Secara total, 12,5 juta token GLDS akan disiapkan untuk penjualan.
4. Pada saat yang sama, proyek ini menawarkan pelanggan sistem bonus bahagia.
5. Sistem ini sebenarnya memberi investor lebih banyak bonus saat membeli.
6. Saat menjual 4.000.000 GLDS pertama, pembeli akan menerima bonus 25% (bonus dibayarkan oleh token proyek di dompet pengguna.

7. Token bonus akan dibekukan hingga 05/12/2020. Nantinya 5.000.000 pembeli GLDS akan menerima 20% Bonus yang akan diterima (bonus dibayarkan di dompet pengguna oleh Token Proyek)

8. Token Bonus akan dibekukan hingga 12/15/2020. Ketika menjual 1.500.000 GLDS yang tersisa, pembeli akan menerima bonus 10% (Bo Vena dibayar oleh token proyek di dompet pengguna.

9. Bonus token akan dibekukan sampai pukul 12.25.2020.)

Penulis : zorzia

Kamis, 14 Mei 2020


Goldario created a platform for a jewelry-based ecosystem and used a financial model on the blockchain. This is a tokenization of existing emerald mines, stone cutting and polishing factories, jewelry manufacturing factories and retailer networks. In particular, this way, it allows people with a low minimum investment and individuals with high or similar institutional investors. This allows people to take advantage of their position in the primary business and create an ecosystem where they can receive profitable periodic benefits and dividends.

Goldioo is the result of a successful business with infrastructure built in Brazil. To expand our operations across the globe, we have created specific plans and ambitious roadmaps, which we hope to achieve through global investor collaboration. The basic business introduction is summarized as follows.

Goldario aims to leverage the power of innovative blockchain technology, and will replace the entire environmental cycle, from ore mining to finished product retail and steps in between. He wants to increase trust between trading parties by using a blockchain, cryptography and smart contracts to conduct transactions on a transparent ledger. In addition, Goldario offers analog-free financial products to date in the traditional financial world by integrating advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, augmented reality, geo-location tracking, blockchain and smart contracts.

How does it work?

● John also recommended selling GLD tokens to one of his friends Tom who decided to buy $ 100,000 tokens. As a referral fee, a specific token percentage of the amount purchased by a friend / recommend is rewarded.

● Now the same referral is the same as Tom and recommends another friend like Emma who has invested / purchased a GLD token worth $ 5,000. In return, Tom's purchase will allow Tom to receive the award, but a certain amount of the award will be issued to John as a key reference.
Goldario project information.

Goldio is the world's first platform to revolutionize the ecological cycle of precious metals (gold), stone (emeralds), jewelry manufacturing and retail. This financial product is a digital component of gold and emerald mining and in-house jewelry production for the global market.
Our vision

We plan to innovate the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by leveraging emerging technologies: blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where individuals, both general consumers or institutional investors, invest in businesses that support a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone mills and jewelry and retail, while maintaining security, auditability and liquidity. .
Our mission

Goldio wants to be the world's best choice platform for consumers and businesses in the jewelry industry. This aims to enable users to acquire and own physical mining rights, jewelry manufacturers and jewelry retail businesses around the world, creating potential supportive assets for Goldario Tokens (GLD).
GLD token function:

● Scalability

GLD tokens can handle large volumes of transactions at any time without the possibility of a network down or slowdown. Unlike centralized applications and payment financial structures, there is no single point of failure, and all trading activity is open and transparent to the entire community.

● Decentralized

GLD tokens are decentralized and belong to the community. Completed on the Ethereum network so that there is no central point of failure or bureaucratic manipulation.

● Security

For digital and network assets, GLD tokens use Ethereum-based working consensus evidence to confirm the transaction, preventing hackers or malicious actors from manipulating the transaction.

● Minimum cost

GLD tokens offer far lower fees than other major online payment systems, allowing users to send, receive, or perform GLD tokens at minimal cost.

● Exchangeable

GLD tokens can also be used in conjunction with USD, EURO and pounds, as well as other products such as gems and jewelry through the Goldario platform.

● Passive income

You can access passive income by purchasing and holding GLD tokens. After a certain period of time, income from business activities is distributed to token holders proportional to ownership.

● Utilities

Unlike traditional cryptocurrency whose value is determined by speculation and supply and market demand, GLD tokens have direct usability to exchange for metals and gems in the Goldario ecosystem.

● Easy trading

Exchange and sending GLD tokens is as easy as sending an email. Just download the existing ERC20 token-backed wallet.

● Transparency

The transparent and irreversible nature of the blockchain always provides open access to information, ensuring a completely transparent process, accurate data recording and equal requirements for everyone.
Talk Nomix

Token Economic Proposal-GOLDARIO (ICO token price: 1,00 USD per token)

● Pre-sale

Is done using smart contracts and ether addresses, sent with instructions via email and may or may not be on a web page. Pre-sale is limited to 100 million tokens.

● Token sale

We will provide 300,000,000 tokens to the public with soft caps. It will be sold through smart contracts until 300 million units are sold in four months. The price is set in ether / usdt. Buyers receive ERC20 tokens at the end of the sale or immediately during the IEO.

● Pre-sale and minimum increase in sales

It will be valued at about $ 300 million, ether (about 33 million tokens) ahead of sales.

● The goal of about $ 1 billion is a huge challenge for this project.

Marketing activities are provided with 90 million tokens or 30%. This is to pay everyone and the company who has worked hard to create and manage token sales. 1% of this token will be tradeable soon. Prizes and prizes. The remaining 2% is locked for 3 months after the end of the sale.
Crowd sales information

-Cloud token sales start: 01-07-2020-

Duration: 180 days

-Token symbol: GLD-

Token standard: ERC-20 (for token sale)

-Soft cap: 300 million USD-

Hard cover: 1 billion USD total token supply: 1,000,000,000-

Token price: 1,000 USD per token-

Bonus allocation: 30%
Token allocation

● 5%: sold through block processors

● 15%: BP bonus allocation

● 20%: Sales Exchange

● 10%: sale discount

● 50%: Bounty Officer

Fund distribution plan

● 60%: direct investment

● 30%: Marketing and Bouncing

● 4%: operating

● 3%: Platform development

● 2%: Team development

● 1%: Team founder

Road map

Goldario already has an existing infrastructure in Brazil under the name G44 SA (registration number: CNPJ: 28,839,840 / 0001-61), and an emerald mine (G44 Mineração (registration number: CNPJ: 31.975.883 / 0001-). 89), Jewelry cutting and polishing plant, jewelry manufacturing plant, VERT VIVANT jewelry retail business (registration number CNPJ: 34.461.941 / 0001-44) and HJOMAA E G44 Mineração (registration

no. : CNPJ 30,033,381 / 0001-76) Stocks in gold mines with large reserves. Inoex. Exchnage (Crypto Trading / Crypto Exchange) (Registration No .: CNPJ: 31,548,911 / 0001-81), developed specific plans and ambitious roadmaps to develop the necessary infrastructure and expand operations worldwide. The set provided on the project 


The Goldario platform is a standalone business model, all financial activities are performed in both professional and well-known countries with years of industry experience, with top teams from both countries.

GOLDARIO is advantageous to investors because it has a substantial guarantee on the product. It is also more stable when cryptocurrency is linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Paris Agreement).

Author : zorzia

Rabu, 13 Mei 2020


Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Goldarium
Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda

Kami berencana untuk merevolusi seluruh gaya industri perhiasan menggunakan teknologi terbaru, yaitu blockchain, kriptografi, kontrak pintar, AI dan Fintech. Kami berusaha untuk menciptakan ekosistem di mana akan lebih mudah bagi individu, baik konsumen biasa atau investor institusional, untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan yang didukung oleh ekosistem penuh logam mulia, pabrik batu dan perhiasan dan

Misi kita
Goldario mendukung untuk menjadi platform pilihan terdepan di dunia untuk konsumen dan perusahaan perhiasan. Ia mengundang pemberi kesempatan untuk memperoleh dan memiliki hak mineral, perhiasan, dan perhiasan pengecer dari seluruh dunia, sehingga menciptakan aset yang mendukung potensi dukungan untuk Goldario token (GLD).

Likuiditas dan persetujuan
Dengan menukar aset digital tepercaya, Goldario memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah melikuidasi, mengakses, dan menukar barang berharga, menggunakan logam dan batu mulia, menggunakan token GLD yang dapat ditukar dengan dukunutuakupuraputocherutocpu dryukutu duputurutupturapuuka token ERC-20 pada blockchain Ethereum, token GLD dapat digunakan juga Ditransfer atau dijual di mana saja di dunia 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu.

Batas investasi lebih rendah
Tidak seperti startup tradisional atau perusahaan awal, kompilasi membuka seseorang dengan investasi lebih rendah, Goldario menawarkan investasi minimum yang lebih rendah melalui tokenization barang dan model bisnisnya.

Andal dan dapat disesuaikan
Goldario dikelola oleh Otoritas Pengawas Keuangan Estonia (EFSA), dan perusahaan induknya ESC Management AS adalah perusahaan publik di Estonia.

Potensi bisnis inti
Goldario setuju dengan perusahaan potensial yang bernilai lebih dari $ 480 miliar selama 5 tahun ke depan. Dengan demikian, token asli, GLD Token, akan memperoleh pendapatan dari kegiatan inti, membantu mendukung pertumbuhan nilai.

Transparansi data
Ketertelusuran dan perbaruan sangat penting di berbagai bidang pasokan logam mulia. Manajemen ESC AS mengejar kemajuan perusahaan.

Pendapatan pasif
Dapatkan dividen berulang untuk aset Anda melalui kontrak pintar yang telah ditentukan dan andal. Semua distribusi pendapatan dan laba dimonitor dan diterbitkan oleh penilai dan auditor dari pihak ketiga, diterbitkan ini merupakan hasil maksimal dari investasi mereka.

Distribusi tanda
Dijual melalui unit prosesor 5%
Distribusi bonus oleh BP 15%
Penukaran penjualan 20%
Diskon penjualan 10%
50% perwakilan komisi
Rencana distribusi
60% dari investasi langsung
Pemasaran dan rebound 30%
4% Operasi
Pengembangan platform 3%
Pengembangan Tim 2%
Tim Pendiri 1%


Goldario memiliki infrastruktur yang ada di Brasil bernama G44 SA (CNPJ: 28 839 840 / 0001-61) dan mana mana ia memiliki Emerald Mines (G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 31 975 883 / 0001-89), Perhiasan Eceran VERT VANT (CNPJ: 34 461 941 / 0001-44) dan HJOMAA E G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 30 033 381 / 0001-76) memiliki banyak tambang emas dengan banyak cadangan. Inoex. Exchnage (Crypto Trading / Crypto) (CNPJ: 31 548 911 / 0001- 81) Dalam rangka mengembangkan infrastruktur yang diperlukan dan mengembangkan kegiatan kami di seluruh dunia, kami telah mengembangkan konsep Rencana Advokasi dan peta jalan di bawah ini.


Menjelajahi perjalanan Goldario:
Bisnis ini membahas dan membahas pada tahun 2015, dan kisahnya mulai diceritakan pada tahun 2017, kompilasi tim yang dibuat berisi INOEX, membagikan mata uang kripto. Segera setelah itu, peluang muncul untuk memperluas bisnis perusahaan di bidang baru: MINING. Tambang zamrud di Campos Verdes, Goiás, dan kepemilikan bersama tambang emas di negara utara itu, di wilayah Laurenzo, di Kalsuen.


G44 Brasil SA tiba di kota zamrud dengan tekad dan tujuan yang menantang.

INOEX - Inoex.Exchange adalah platform yang didukung dan perdagangan cryptocurrency yang diluncurkan pada tahun 2017 dan berhasil bekerja dengan yang lebih besar dari transaksi harian pada percakapan cryptocurrency dan berdagang di berdangis bernandisfan bergang


EMAS - Emas ditambang oleh HJomaa e G44 Mineração di Lawrenso, di daerah Cidade Calçoene di Amapa, di mana emas yang ditambang dengan batu zamrud ditambang diubah menjadi perhiasan yang dijual oleh kelompok.

Memegang tambang zamrud terbesar di Amerika Latin, memiliki stok cadangan zamrud dan sudah mencapai 5 juta karat, lebih dari 400 penambang sudah bekerja dalam proses pemotongan dan pemolesan.

Laporan resmi tentang Laporan ahli geologi. Melihat laporan
Laporan Penilaian ini bahkan tidak mewakili 5% dari total luas tambang Emerald G44.


Vivant Werth. - Pada tahun 2019, kami meluncurkan toko perhiasan Vert Vivant kami. Perusahaan yang memproduksi dan menjual perhiasan yang berkualitas tinggi dengan menjual dan menjual langsung. Segera toko kami akan dibuka di dua pusat belanja terbesar di negara ini. Proyek ini sudah berjalan.


Goldario - Sekarang, pada tahun 2020, kami memperkenalkan platform ICO kami, yang didukung penuh oleh OEC Gemstone Cycle (zamrud nyata dan tambang emas), logam mulia, perhiasan, dan jaringan bisnis Manufaktur dan Eceran G44 SA.


Kertas Putih Rilis V1.0
Risis situs
Mulai pemasaran
Formasi Dewan Penasehat
Penjualan token pribadi


Partisipasi dalam acara blok dan konferensi blockchain
Penjualan token publik



Salim Zahir - CEO
Joselita Esocobar - Co-CEO
Nicacio Neto - Direktur Teknis
Jose Avallone - Penasihat Hukum untuk Amerika Selatan
Michael Serle - Penentuan Hukum Eropa
Joao Paulo Riberio - pengembang backend
Asad Cloud - Pemimpin Tim Digital
Mansur Ahmed - Manajer Teknis
Jose Carlos Mengo - Direktur Pemasaran Eropa
Ahmed Aalem - Direktur Pemasaran Timur Tengah
Tanzil Ahmed - Manajer Pemasaran India
Umayr Shaheed - Manajer Pemasaran Timur Tengah



Penulis : zorzia

Selasa, 12 Mei 2020


Despite the fact that our world is constantly growing and developing, there is still room for traditional sources of profit. Which people have been investing in for centuries. And of course I am referring to the gold mining industry. I think it is not necessary to delve into the history and specify the very moment when this industry was born, since we all remember that people started using gold a long time ago.

However, this does not make it less attractive even today. After all, in addition to jewelry, gold is used in the space industry, in medicine, and many other places. Therefore, the demand for mining, buying and using gold in everyday life does not fall to this day. And you can even say it is growing. As the statistics show, the cost per 1 gram of gold is constantly increasing over the entire period of time. This means that it remains the most valuable asset in which people invest with special enthusiasm all over the world.

But in order for these investments to keep up with the times, the founders of GoLd Digital are ready to offer all of us new, more transparent, reliable and secure tools for investing in the gold mining industry and gold in particular. This tool is called GLDS. About which, in fact, I want to tell you in more detail now.


● John also recommended selling GLD Tokens to one of his friends, Tom, who decided to buy a token of one hundred thousand US dollars. As a referral commission, he is rewarded with a certain token percentage of the amount purchased by his friend / referral.

● Now, the same referral is Tom then referring other friends such as Emma, who made an investment / purchase worth GLD Tokens worth 5,000 USD. In return, while Emma's purchase will make Tom eligible for the prize, a certain percentage of the prize will also be issued to John, as the main reference.

Goldario is the first platform in the world to strive to revolutionize the ecological cycle of the mining of precious metals (gold), stones (emeralds), jewelry manufacturing and retail businesses. This financial instrument is a digital part in gold and emerald mines and in-house jewelry production for the world market.

Our Vision

We envision to revolutionize the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by utilizing emerging technologies namely blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and Fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where we make it easy for individuals - both ordinary consumers or institutional investors - to invest in businesses that are supported by a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone factories and jewelery & retail businesses, while also maintaining security, audit capabilities and liquidity .

Our mission

Goldario aims to be the world's leading choice platform for consumers and businesses engaged in the jewelry industry. It aims to enable users to obtain and own physical mining rights, jewelery manufacturers, and jewelry retail businesses from around the world, and thus, create assets that underlie potential support for Goldario Tokens (GLD).

Goldario Supports to Become the leading global Choice Platform for consumers and jewelry companies. This returns empowering users to acquire and own mineral rights, jewelery manufacturers, and jewelry retailers from around the world, thereby creating assets that support the potential support for Goldario tokens (GLD).

Liquidity and approval

By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario allows users to easily liquidate, access and exchange valuable items, namely metals and precious stones, using GLD tokens that can be exchanged for cryptocurrency exchanges, and can also be used for peer-to-peer exchanges. cost. As an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GLD tokens can be easily moved or sold anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Lower investment limit

Unlike traditional startups or early stage companies, when entering someone with low investment is almost impossible, Goldario offers a lower investment minimum through tokenization of goods and its business model.

Reliable and adjustable

Goldario is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), and its parent company ESC Management US is a public company in Estonia.

Core business potential

Goldario deals with potential companies that are worth more than $ 480 billion over the next 5 years. Thus, the original token, GLD Token, will capture revenue from core activities, helping capture value growth.

Data transparency

Traceability and transparency are very important at various stages of the precious metal supply chain. US ESC Management tracks the progress of the companies they invest in.

Passive income

Get recurring dividends for your assets through smart, predetermined, reliable contracts. All income and profit distributions are monitored and approved by third party appraisers and auditors, ensuring that shareholders get the most out of their investment.


Liquidity and Accessibility

By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario gives users the opportunity to easily liquidate, access and exchange valuable commodities, namely metals and precious stones through GLD Tokens, which can be exchanged in crypto trade exchanges and can also be used for peer-to-peer exchanges of value. Built as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GLD Tokens can be easily moved or traded anywhere in the world, 24/7.

Gold for the Correct Speculation!

Gold is the most adaptable, all equivalent. It is a different metal that changes and sits at a similar table every once in a while with gold, silver and copper. The social issue where gold can be found is regularly named after a gathering of metal coins since people are frequently used to making money. Gold, to be completely forthright, was established by the Egyptians in BC. It is one of the fundamental metals known to individuals going back to 3400.

Gdigit (GLDS) is a push to give solid community oriented vitality from high automated improvements in the first financial field, particularly with the extraction of gold and different valuable metals. The distinction among assignments and analogs is that each GLGS token has indistinguishable gold (contrasted with 0.02 grams of gold) that gives high vigor and theoretical intrigue.

What are the issues?

Its an obvious fact that gold is probably the best exertion today. GLDS will make this hypothesis open to a wide scope of purchasers, utilizing blockchain developments and bringing in your own cryptographic cash. GLDS clients will have the choice of getting valuable metals at the best expense, and full trust in the genuineness and security of all trades in the system.

GLDS likewise relies upon the present place of employment, propelled gold and placer stores in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The association drives a totally real business, with accounting and direct subtleties. Mining considers and further arrangement of valuable metals have been allowed a progression of licenses, comprising of regulatory and control gatherings of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The gold shop guaranteed by our association is situated in the Eastern Kazakhstan locale. Our territory study uncovered data affirming that cash is sensible from work. It was affirmed that the placer shop and its porches contain around 1,000 kg of valuable metal. The quartz-sulfur vein in the area is believed to be around 5-6 tons of gold. By 2023, a three-year creation plan has been set and the National Bank of Kazakhstan will concentrate on buying the entirety of our stocks.

Pursuit of employment and assessment Quest for new employment and assessment

The business game plans for the task are completed all in all from the geography structure of the investigation territory, its investigation, passage level, nature mineralization. Business levels include:

Business geography

Course search and geomorphology

Think about geochemistry


Invasion exercises

Complex test examines

An elective book for this picture

not exhibited GLDS is the principal cryptographic cash organization on the planet to set up a remarkable synergistic relationship, particularly between cutting edge progress and the neighborhood economy, gold mining. In our endeavors, blockchain advancement is utilized to make gold mining simpler and progressively successful. Gold, then again, underpins GLDS tokens by offering security and exertion.

The task synopsis:

The fundamental motivation behind our business is to make gold progressively appealing and usable for some individuals. We acknowledge the utilization of cryptographic structures to give cash fundamentally.

To accomplish the objectives we set in front of us, we made our own decentralized computerized cash as a component of the GLDS business: it depends on mechanical plans to accomplish high liquidity for the business token. Each coin gave by our organization is bolstered by 0.02 grams of gold by incorporating two theoretical instruments that appear to be isolated from the world: gold and advanced types of cash. Each individual from the GLDS activity has the chance to make an exceptionally creative beginning, yet it gets a programmed pay ensure, whatever brings life.


May 2019

● Start the GDIGIT project.

● The emergence of an idea

● The decision was made to create a gold mining business.

● Look for gold and placer deposits available for businesses.

June 2019

● Field Selection

● Analysis and study of proposals for deposit acquisition.

● Team departure to the storage location with a geologist.

● Analysis of deposit reserves according to historical data.

July 2019

● I speak Inter Gold LLP Registration

● I speak Inter Gold LLP Registration.

● Staff recruitment: geologist, mine surveyor, etc.

● Choice of gold and placer deposits: Eastern Kazakhstan Region, Zharma District, 10 Kentarlau settlement blocks, 4 Balyktykol village blocks.

September 2019

● Obtain licenses and permits

● Obtain a license for gold exploration and production by Kalbatau Inter Gold LLP.

● Gold acquisition and placer deposits: East Kazakhstan Region, Zharma District, 10 Kentarlau blocks, 4 Balyktykol blocks September 2019 - October 2019 Geological exploration The results of geological exploration work on terraces and valleys of placer gold confirm 800 kg and more placer gold reserves.

October 2019

● Start working in the field

● Production of experimental pilots in the field has begun.

● Long-term long-term plans for gold mining for 2020-2023 have been prepared.

● A business plan for the project has been prepared.

● The preparatory phase for the launch has begun.

November 2019

● LLP NURSULTAN GOID company registration. Choice of gold ore and placer gold deposits in the East Kazakhstan Region, Zharma district, Ushbiik settlement. 25 blocks.

● Preparation of documents to obtain a gold exploration and mining permit has begun.

December 2019

● Holding Private Sales

● Successfully complete the Private-Sale project. 1,500,000 GLDS tokens sold (including a 50% bonus), total cost - 1,000,000 USD

January-February 2020

● Launch of PR and marketing campaigns

● Implement a marketing program to attract the maximum number of participants to the project.

● Run a gift program.

● Implementation of marketing activities on social networks, as well as in business and crypto media.

February 2020

● Company registration "GoLd Didital Standart Corporation Limited",

● Hong Kong Incorporation into GoLd Digital Standards company 
● Corporation Limited of Kalbatau Inter Gold LLP and NURSULTAN GOID LLP.

February 2020 - August 2020


● Launch of the main round of the ICO project.

● The main sales period is from 15 February 2020 to 15 August 2020.

March 2020

● Beginning of negotiations with exchange

● Initial negotiations with exchanges to attract project tokens to cryptocurrency exchanges to ensure their free circulation.

● Project plans including access to 3-5 exchanges.

April 2020

● Delivery of machinery and equipment to the location When the project starts, it takes 1 month for delivery and installation of machinery and equipment, which will also affect production parameters in the first month of operation

May 2020 - October 2020

● Start placer gold mining in the deposit The production plan is based on the introductory parameters of the project and the gold content in the placer deposit.

● Active production will be conducted from May to October (work season) 2020.

May 2020 - June 2020

● GLDS tokens appear on the exchange

● Implementation of agreements with the exchange, the emergence of trading pairs BTC / GLDS, ETH / GLDS and other pairs on the exchange.

● The specific address of the site will be announced additionally in the project news on the website and on social networks.

June 2020

● 100% output

● Output of 100% of the gold mining capacity on the deposit according to the production plan (expected number is 40,500 grams per month until November 2020).

November 2020

● Transition to winter operating mode. End of active production period, field conservation.

November 2020

● Token repurchase program Launches a token repurchase program at market prices. From $ 150,000 to $ 350,000 will be allocated every three months to repurchase tokens.

December 2020

● Payment of bonus project tokens

April - May 2021

● Get ready to start working.

● Resumption of gold mining on the deposit Start gold mining on the second deposit.

● The mining plan is based on project introduction parameters and the gold content of the placer deposit.

● Active production will be carried out from May to October 2021

Our team

Nikolay Navtalyan

Founding father. CEO

Eskendir Zaripov


Alena Narinyani


The discovery of Ekaterina

Head of SMM

Askar Nursultanov


Yaroslav anishchenko

CTO. Development and Blockchain

Ainur Nursultanova

CFO. Ekonom

Alexander Vilganov

Accounting Manager

Asetem Kainemov

TOO «I Speak Inter Gold»

Denis perepelitsyn

Senior Developer

Vitaliy pryahin


Artem oborotnev

The developer

But to avoid being too baseless, I suggest you look at this in person. After all, you can get all the necessary and more detailed information about GoLd Digital and GLDS using official resources, as well as technical documents. The link I left at the end of this article. I hope my little review has caught your attention and will be of interest to you to continue your acquaintance with GoLd Digital. If so, then click I like and leave your most detailed comment about this. And for this I say goodbye to my next review!
Project official resources:

Author : zorzia

Rabu, 06 Mei 2020


Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek, Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda

KingCasino -- Revolutionizing The Online Gaming Industry.
KingCasino - yang terbaik untuk ICO dan IEO Anda
KingCasino adalah situs kasino cryptocurrency online yang menawarkan di curacao yang menawarkan koleksi lebih dari 1000 mesin slot, bertaruh, blackjack, poker, slot, bakarat, dan banyak lagi! Kami memiliki semua papan permainan yang dapat Anda gunakan! Manfaat Kingcasino:  Kami memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menjadi pemegang saham dan memenangkan dalam pasar cryptocurrency online yang berkembang pesat.
Game Slot Online Casino Indonesia - Alexande Kost - Medium 
Menjadi mitra dalam program Asosiasi industri terkemuka dengan Divisi Pendapatan hingga 45%.

Dapatkan ketidakseimbangan karena memainkan permainan favorit Anda di kasino yang menyenangkan, cepat, dan jujur.
Di kasino kami, Anda dapat menggunakan beberapa cryptocurrency populer untuk melakukan setoran, bertaruh, dan menarik kemenangan Anda: BTC, ETH, USDT, Charcoin, token KCT.
Tanda Keselamatan KCT:
Token KCT, token keamanan berbasis ERC20, adalah token kriptografi yang membayar dividen, laba saham, dapat digunakan untuk semua transaksi dalam proses pembelian atau untuk pembelian layanan. Dengan membeli token KCT, investor menjadi pemegang saham yang memiliki saham perusahaan kami dan menerima dividen per kuartal berdasarkan jumlah token yang tersedia.

Total pembelian: 130.000.000 Token KCT
Tersedia untuk dijual: 100.000.000 token KCT

Harga: $ 1

Keuntungan triwulanan
Pada akhir setiap kuartal kerja, KingCasino akan mengumpulkan laba kotor dan mengumpulkannya di antara pemegang token di dalam kontrak pintar. 5 Januari, 5 April, 5 Juli dan 5 Oktober adalah tanggal pembagian sebelumnya

Token terbakar
KingCasino akan meningkatkan 5% dari semua token, KCT yang diperoleh setiap bulan untuk menambah persyaratan token, dan menciptakan permintaan yang lebih tinggi untuk token tersebut.

Voting pada masalah utama
Untuk menerima hak suara khusus atau hak untuk membuat keputusan pada rencana bisnis utama, mengubah dasar, pemegang saham harus memegang token KCT selama lebih dari tiga bulan dalam perjanjian yang cerdas.

Dapatkan hak khusus
Pemegang Token dapat membeli, menjual, menyimpan dan menarik KCT, BTC, ETH, USDT dalam beberapa menit dan dengan mudah bergabung dengan semua permainan.

Hak pemegang saham
Platform era kasino online untuk hasil dimulai. Kingcasino bangga menjadi kasino online pertama yang mengeluarkan token keamanan, token KCT, yang dijaminkan kepada investor melalui persetujuan pembagian dividen. Memiliki token KCT, investor akan menjadi pemegang saham yang memiliki saham perusahaan kami. Investor yang membeli token, KCT, menikmati banyak hak kepemilikan.


Keuntungan triwulanan
Kami akan berbagi bagian dari keuntungan dengan pemegang token KCT. Pada akhir setiap kuartal kerja, KingCasino akan mengumpulkan laba kotor dan menghitung di antara pemegang token tergantung pada jumlah token KCT yang mereka miliki. 5 Januari, 5 April, 5 Juli dan 5 Oktober adalah tanggal kompilasi keuntungan dikirim ke akun investor.

Ingat: untuk menerima laba triwulanan, pemegang saham harus memegang token KCT selama lebih dari tiga bulan dalam kontrak pintar kami.


King Casino - pangeran milano - Medium

Voting pada masalah utama
Pemegang saham KCT berhak memberikan suara pada rencana bisnis dasar, perubahan mendasar pada perusahaan.

Ingat: untuk menerima hak suara khusus atau hak membuat keputusan, pemegang saham harus memegang token KCT selama lebih dari tiga bulan dalam kontrak pintar kami.

Apa yang kita miliki
Penjualan pribadi
Siapa pun yang tertarik dengan proyek kami dapat meminta penawaran dan melakukan negosiasi langsung dengan kami. Investor malaikat dapat membeli token kami dengan harga $ 0,5. Investor dapat mengirimkan token penjualan KCT di proyek IEO yang akan datang pada 2 Juli 2020 di transfer P2PB2B dan Latoken.

melewati 2: $ 0,80
melewati 3: $ 0,90
melewati 4: $ 0,95
melewati 5: $ 1,00

Hubungi kami: investor@kingcasino.io


📌 What is King Casino? 📌 - Md tareq - Medium

Sejalan dengan NOU, kami menyediakan ICO (Formulir crowdfunding) di situs web resmi. Penjualan token pertama kali dipegang oleh KingCasino pada bulan Februari 2020. Hampir semua dana akan langsung diinvestasikan dan digunakan untuk kegiatan hukum, keuangan perusahaan, pemasaran dan pengembangan.


Kami baru-baru ini mencapai kesepakatan pada daftar IEO kami dengan dua pertukaran terbesar: Latoken dan P2PB2B, yang total volume perdagangannya adalah $ 3 miliar setiap hari. Investor dapat langsung membeli dan menukar token KCT di bursa ini untuk menjadi pemegang saham kami.

Sistem afiliasi
Menjadi mitra di platform game cryptocurrency pertama di dunia. Sekarang adalah kemenangan untuk diluncurkan pasar dan hasilkan keuntungan dari mitra dan manfaat dari industri yang berkembang sangat cepat ini! Kami menawarkan hingga 45%, tergantung pada saat Anda.

Hubungi kami sekarang: investor@kingcasino.io

Detail ICO
Ticker: KCT
Jenis: Token Keamanan
Harga: $ 0,5
Mata uang yang diterima: BTC, ETH, USDT
Tanggal mulai: 02/25/2020
Tanggal Berakhir: 11/06/2020

Rincian IEO
Peluncur IEO: Latoken & P2PB2B
Mata uang yang diterima: BTC, ETH, USDT

Istirahat 2: $ 0,8 / token
Istirahat 3: $ 0,9 / token
Istirahat 4: $ 0,95 / token
Hingga 5: $ 1 / token
Tanggal mulai: 02/04/2020
Tanggal Berakhir: 11/06/2020

Distribusi tanda
Total pasokan token adalah 130.000.000 token
Penjualan pribadi: 10.000.000 token
IEO dan ICO: token 59,5 juta
Erdrop dan Bounty: 500.000 Token
Pendiri dan tim: 30.000.000 token
Cadangan: 30.000.000 token

Peta jalan


Ide dan Teknologi
Konsep dibuat


Tim inti dibuat
Pengembangan platform kasino online


Analisis pasar
Rencana bisnis
Lisensi Curacao Badan Hukum
Perjanjian badan global
Pengembangan platform ICO
Pengembangan platform kasino online
Platform pengujian ICO
Menguji platform kasino online


Peluncuran Situs Web ICO - Aset
Permainan Kasino Online - Mulai di: 03/2020
Kampanye Pemasaran - pemutaran 1
Perjanjian kemitraan
Penjualan pribadi
Peluncuran platform ICO
Mendaftarkan IEO di Exchange
Platform Pengembangan Terdesentralisasi
Distribusi tanda

Perjanjian badan global
Pembangunan merek dan komunitas
Program Afiliasi Peluncuran Global


Platform blockchain kasino
Masalah Dompet Seluler
Luncurkan aplikasi untuk iOS dan Android
Tim yang hebat
Joe Maddox - Pendiri dan CEO
Stephen Nguyen - Pendiri, Spesialis Kepatuhan, dan Direktur Hubungan Pelanggan

Nguyen Tai Hawk - Pendiri dan Kepala Teknolog
Tim Nguyen - Pendiri dan Pengembang
Michael Funkbauer - Pendiri dan Spesialis Pemasaran
Benjamin kahn
Marcus peter


Penuls : zorzia