Minggu, 23 Agustus 2020


Всем привет, как дела? Если вы заинтересованы в участии в проекте, ваш CLIPX должен прочитать информацию, которая поможет вам найти информацию, которая поможет вам увидеть ваше видение и миссию.


Когда появились такие платформы, как Steemit, Uptrennd, Scorum и т. Д., Они доказали пользователям, что могут получать вознаграждение за свой контент. В отличие от других популярных платформ социальных сетей, которые не дают никаких вознаграждений за контент пользователей, платформы социальных сетей на основе блокчейнов лояльны к вознаграждению создателей качественного контента.

Помимо вознаграждения за публикацию статей, видеоконтент - еще один способ получить отдачу от ваших усилий. Однако обидно видеть, как миллионы людей борются за заработок на YouTube. Потратив так много времени, энергии и ресурсов на создание видео и его загрузку, они часто разочаровываются небольшим количеством просмотров, полученных видео. Часто их контент удаляется с платформ без учета усилий, приложенных для его создания. Новым пользователям будет труднее заработать ни копейки на таких каналах.

Источник изображения
Но что, если видеоконтент также переносится в технологию блокчейн, где люди получают вознаграждение за обмен видео? Это побудит людей делиться качественными видео и, в свою очередь, улучшит систему электронного обучения.

ClipX настроен на создание платформы электронного обучения, которая позволит всем участникам получать вознаграждение за их вклад.

ClipX GmbH направлена на развитие blockchain на основе электронного обучения платформы , которая вознаграждает пользователей , которые ставят их страсть, время и ресурсы на их содержание.

ClipX планирует предлагать следующие услуги:
 Потоковое видео: люди могут смотреть видео в реальном времени на своих подключенных к Интернету устройствах из любой точки мира.
 Видеохостинг: это позволит пользователям получать знания посредством качественного обучения, семинаров и нескольких онлайн-курсов.
 Видео по запросу
 Видеоконференцсвязь для частного и делового секторов.

ClipX GmbH стремится сделать пользователя своим боссом с помощью своей централизованной и децентрализованной модели. Пользователи могут решить, хотят ли они предлагать свои видео бесплатно, взимать небольшую плату или позволить зрителям подписываться ежемесячно или ежегодно.

Платформа дает возможность людям, которые были активными, но изо всех сил пытались получить признание на других платформах, перенести свой видеоконтент в ClipX за несколько шагов. Они могут наслаждаться лучшими услугами и получать значительную прибыль от своих видео на ClipX.

ClipX GmbH гарантирует, что видеоплатформа понравится большому количеству людей по всему миру. В результате у пользователей будет больше аудитории для просмотра их видео, а также они будут зарабатывать больше денег.

Источник изображения
На платформе ClipX соберутся выдающиеся люди со всего мира. Платформа привлечет наставников, учителей и людей с различными навыками, чтобы другие могли учиться и повышать свои навыки.
И клиперы (создатели видеоконтента), и кликеры (зрители видеоконтента) имеют право на вознаграждение. Клиперы могут зарабатывать на платформе, установив плату за свои видео. Кликеры также имеют право получать вознаграждение за регулярное использование сервисов ClipX. Клиперы могут предлагать свои видео за токены ClipX, фиатные деньги или за то и другое. Клиперы могут оплачивать видео с помощью токенов ClipX, биткойнов (BTC), Ethereum (ETC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC) и Tether (USDT).

Источник изображения
Утилита ClipX (CXC)
Токен ClipX основан на блокчейне ERC20 Ethereum. Токен будет использоваться клиперами и кликерами для оплаты комиссий за транзакции на платформе. Кликеры, участвующие в Программе лояльности клиентов, будут оплачиваться с помощью токенов ClipX.

Источник изображения
Кликеры, которые предпочитают смотреть видео, содержащие рекламу, будут платить меньше за такие видео. Они могут платить с помощью CXC или другими доступными способами оплаты. Все транзакции на платформе ClipX безопасны, неизменны и прозрачны.

Источник изображения
На протяжении многих лет YouTube доминировал на платформах для обмена видео. Многие создатели контента получают лишь небольшую часть прибыли от YouTube. Это разочаровало многих и заставило их отказаться от своей страсти. ClipX GmbH возрождает эту страсть, обеспечивая пользователям существенное вознаграждение за свой контент. Используя технологию блокчейн, ClipX сделает обучение и заработок доступными для всех и каждого.

Для того, чтобы получить более подробную информацию об этом уникальном проекте, посетите ссылки ниже

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2020

A Comprehensive Review of PayAccept Platform

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your Payaccept should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.


There were tons of currencies even in the pre-crypto era. With the commencement of cryptos, now there are thousands. Using them for payments, managing varied funds and converting them on a regular basis gets so messy. The hidden conversion and transaction costs are just annoying. Simply put, you do not have your money under control. Changing multiple fiat and crypto currencies gets exhausting. You are to steer clear of hidden costs, scams and regional regulations. The issue keeps getting bigger and bigger with the coming of more cryptocurrencies and ICO tokens, putting us in a really tough spot.

Now, hows the short presentation? Cool isnt it? Why not we go to an extent of this project. Ops sorry forgot to mention the name. The project is called PayAccept.

Its a new platform intended to provide an all-in-one solution, a non custodial storage wallet offered to us to support different cryptocurrencies. I know it sounds common, but whats we should think is that PayAccept wallet will integrate a high quality security and allow users to trade among different crypto asset in one scoop using their interface. PayAccept offers an intuitive layout and reliable lightning fast network. But thats not all. We are only introducing the idea of what this platform can offer. Were just started and were gonna discuss a lot more of thr platform capability and exciting features a crypto user would be interested.


Since the platform offer a digital wallet management. Id like yo share some of their features which a typical user would want to experience. But before that let me ask, are you interested with the platform or digital wallet that can be a gateway to your financial bank and vice versa? Usually big platform have this, but how often you find that on a common multi crypto wallet? Then let me share with you the strenght of PayAccept.
Im not going to mentioned common features but will share what I like about it.


The platform can link your 3 bank accounts directly to withdraw, spend, buy, sell, crypto, fiat vice versa without worrying on how you can do it.
typical interface works like udpated notification of any incoming outgoing transactions made, and live balance of your asset.

important details or report are arranged including daily, monthly in and out of funds.

Cold Storage, definitely a must need feature for every multi cryptowallet.
Non custodial wallet with the ability to provide you your own private key. This is important aspect on certain wallet every platform should have.

Actually when the platform goes live. Ive been excited to tried out this interface features to give out more review and feedback. Maybe I'll write more in the future what else should be divuldge in the platform.

The whole ecosystem of PayAccept will revolve on four major Pillars.

PayAccept tokens
Pay Card
Pay of Sale ( POS)

PAYACCEPT TOKENS are the fuel of their platform. Using the whole ecosystem will give you privilege of earning loyalty points through pay tokens. As usual it will be the utility token to drive up the whole system from different activity you do. Its an erc20 token build on top of ethereum network. But I believe (assumption) they would integrate their own blockchain as you all know this platform is partnered with NextExchange that have their own NextChain. Anyhows, I wanted to be suprise too.

PAY CARD - will be the brand of the major network brand of PayAccept it will be in the form of Debit/credit card that will work like a traditional one. Yes it will be an easy access to your crypto asset that can be converted into fiat and vice versa. The team will integrate also QR codes and NFC chips to fully sync in their PayAccept terminal. Based on their roadmap the integration and issuance of the paycard are not announced yet but on September Pre registration are up for interested individuals. Sooner guys!

PAY OF SALE (POS) - Like a traditional point of sales. PayAccept will be a revolutionary platform integrate this through their merchants, partners and establishments. You can now eat on your favorite restauramt without any worry of paying points rather than cash directly from the PayAccept wallet
Of course there are privilege points awaiting you for this.

STAKING - Since Im always present and watching update on their telegram. They announced already the staking and will be live on August 1, 2020. How to participate, simply hold your Paytokens on your wallet and youll get 10% annually of interest directly to your wallet. Also if you want to earn more, be a PAYNODE hodler, youll have a chance to earn 50% annually but this is limited slot and only 10 people are guaranteed for the slot. There will be a required collateral of 45k PAY tokens for your to earn it.

If you happened to know more details on this aspect. I suggest to read their whitepaper for more information.



PayAccept wallet contains and supports 50 different cryptocurrencies. Well this include major coins such as Bitcoin, ethereum, probably ripple and many more. But as the time goes by, the team assured that these supported crypto will increased as they planned to incorporate many top coins/tokens in the future. If there are other tokens that you wanted to have Im sure PayAccept would be there to add it at a later time.

Now maybe its time to end this blog with updated details for the project.

As far as I know up to now, the team managed to secure few listing on different major exchanges such as Probit, Exmarket, NextExchange, HitBTC and recently announced Hotbit and Bilaxy. But the team guaranteed of more exchanges announcement so stay tuned. For more information kindly refer to the links below:

Website: https://www.payaccept.net
Telegram: https://t.me/payaccept
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5255787.0
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/payaccept

Author : zorzia

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020

Corion Foundation Will Enable Stabilcoins to Spread Worldwide

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your Corion should read information that will help you find information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission.


Corion Foundation’s aim is to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and other reliable cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) in general. To help the unbanked, young people gain access to swift, safe and cheap banking. With our activity, we are helping to increase the adoption of new financial and payment assets in the everyday life with the spreading education. CorionX utility token is functioning as an incentive for the usage of stablecoins and DeFi solutions.

Payment Methods and Crypto Coins
Every day many people buy a variety of products and services, make transfers through traditional financial institutions, and use various payment options in the form of cash, mobile banking, and electronic payment systems. However, all these methods have a very small disadvantage in the form of centralization.


To date, centralization unfortunately requires full control of users 'funds, and not only them, but many banks and other organizations access, take advantage of, and monetize their customers' personal and corporate data. Also, they can easily block people's accounts, delay transactions, go bankrupt and not return money.

Moreover, the central authorities, at their discretion, can practically manage the amount of money issued and have the population from just one salary to the next in generally sufficient amounts, and then most of them have to borrow money from friends or a bank. credit. This condition is observed in at least 60-70% of people around the world and possibly much more.

Naturally, this cannot go on indefinitely, and people are beginning to understand how the state and other companies simply place themselves within a certain framework that does not take into account interests and desires for the development of a community that is conducive to them and a friendly and kind. . Therefore, the emergence and development of digital currencies that can offer a more convenient way to address existing shortcomings in financial systems has become natural.

Corion Foundation
Many people were satisfied with the crazy growth of bitcoin, but not all of them managed to buy at the desired price, so now they are afraid of volatility, but want to use cryptocurrencies for payments and other transactions: for this purpose, tokens equal to the price of stable World currencies have been created. Now I will introduce you to the Corion Foundation project, which aims to apply in many areas.

This company was officially registered in Switzerland in 2016 and has all the necessary legal rights and allows users, entrepreneurs, projects to start using and access banking services without traditional central intermediaries using stable currencies, and provide support in the development and creation of the like.

This offer will primarily help to reduce costs when conducting monetary transactions, reduce commissions when making transfers to any location in the world, transparently monitoring each transaction using blockchain, and ensuring the security of your personal data. After all, many people are ready to get rid of cash, and this ecosystem not only solves this problem, but also provides even more profitable functions for everyone.

What is CorionX?
These stable tokens allow their users to confirm their security with real physical or other assets and provide transparent ecosystems and reports on their activities for each participant. The Corion Foundation is also creating its own digital currency, CorionX, in the ERC20 format, which will become one of the main payment tools on the platform.

The project team consists of highly experienced and successful business people in various fields where the main course is financial services and products, so this combination can solve many drawbacks and fully understand the advantages and functionality of digital currencies. it is already gaining great popularity every year.

In the near future, and more specifically on 20 July 2020, the first deployment of CorionX tokens will take place on one of the best and popular exchanges called Probit, which will carefully select digital assets and projects for purchase, purchase, purchase for review. Users who also confirm the expectations of the Corion Foundation.

In conclusion, I want to say that digital currencies allow many people to be more free, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs receive financial support from investors from all over the world, and each participant can make a certain contribution to development. You can find all the necessary links below.

Website: https://corion.io/corionx/
Project Document: https://corion.io/corionx-whitepaper-en/#
Medium: https://medium.com/@Corion
Telegram CorionX: https: // t.me/corionx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CorionPlatform
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CorionFoundation
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/corionplatform
Instagram: https: // www.instagram.com/corionplatform/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9royvfm_-02vV9eHvZk8A

Author : zorzia

REVIEW ClinTex — New Medicine

If you are interested in joining the project, your ClinTex should read information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission.


ClinTex is a solution provider for the pharmaceutical industry and the team behind CTi - Clinical Trials Intelligence: A new type of software platform aimed at transforming the medical development industry through predictive analytics, machine learning and new use of blockchain technology. and smart contracts in clinical trials.

Our mission is to reduce the cost of drugs and accelerate the time to market for new drugs for the people who need them by significantly reducing development costs for the global pharmaceutical industry.


Clinical Trials Intelligence is a distributed technology platform that incorporates predictive data analytics, machine learning, and the innovative use of smart contracts to drive significant quality and operational improvements in clinical trials.

With the application of powerful and insightful data analytics functionality across administrative, operational and clinical functions, stakeholders can now indentify, action an resolve the potential issues detected before they negatively impact the trial.

Advanced workflow management, inclucling functionality and a blockchain based immutable audit trail.
Clinical Trials Intelligence has created an eco — system that fosters collaboration across the entire pharmaceutical industry while addressing the privacy and security concerns of all stakeholders.

CTI tokens in this round are priced at USD $0.05, which is a 50% discount on the main roud toke sale ( IEO) price, which will be USD $0.10.
The total amount of CTI tokens to be minted is 200,000,000
The total amount of CTI that will be sold (at USD 0.05) in the pre sale round is 20.000,000 (105 of the total minted)
The total amount of CTI that will be sold at USD 0.1 in the main public sale round (IEO) is 60,0000,000 (30% of the total minted)




ClinTex Website: https://clintex.io/
Whitepaper: https://clintex.io/application/files/4115/9099/9255/Clintex_CTi_Whitepaper.pdf
ClinTex Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClinTexCTi
ClinTex Medium Page: https://medium.com/@clintexcti
ClinTex Telegram: https://t.me/ClinTexCTi

Author : zorzia

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2020

Cocos BlockChain Expedition

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Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your COCOS should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.

The new token COCOS Circular segments will make a stage for picturing and tokenizing the worth held by individuals. Toward a general public where all individuals can oversee and hold sway over their information.The team has built up the token Circular segments (ticker image COCOS) in view of blockchain innovation. The item stage AIre, which uses Circular segments, tokenizes the qualities held by individuals to empower trade, fiscal transformation, solicitations, buys, and the sky is the limit from there.
Tokenize the worth held by individuals, and give all individuals power over their information

IFA, a supplier of items and administrations utilizing blockchain innovation, has created Bends, a token dependent on new blockchain innovation. The item stage AIre, gave using Curves, pictures and tokenizes the different qualities held by individuals.

To Assetize the Content of the Digital World, Building A Steady Value System between the Producers and the Consumers.
Project Background

Contrasted and customary physical resources, advanced resources are more imperative due to the blockchain instrument. In the advanced economy, individuals are without a doubt the prevailing variable of efficiency. While the creation, use furthermore, dispersion of computerized resources can shape a shut circle on the blockchain, which is more autonomous of the concentrated asset allocator. Then again, the decentralized computerized substance can be kept up in a single or different blockchain ecosystems(s), and be openly and reasonably estimated, accordingly turning into a genuinely “computerized resource” with free property rights, and making new plans of action and social qualities. Among the different sorts of decentralized applications, game is one of those fields with the most develop advancement model, most elevated pace of commercialization, and broadest base of engineers and clients. In the first period of this task, we will likely lead R&D to take care of existing issues in the field of blockchain games.

Player Autonomy and Asset Security: Due to the openness and transparency of the blockchain network, the information of digital assets obtained by the player in the game can be browsed through blockchain explorer, providing a protection mechanism for the security of the game assets.

Assets operation permission In-game props are owned and can be disposed only by the player, and the destruction of items will be allowed only with user authorization;

Atomization of key operations on-chain Actions such as assets creation/circulation is submitted to the Smithy or the circulation platform. All operations in the process of creation/circulation are regarded as an indivisible atomic transaction.

Scalable multi-step verification In addition to the verification password for blockchain transaction, the game developer will further set a 2-step authenticator and random code verification to further improve the security of the player’s assets;

Secured by modern cryptography

The top-layer is designed to be scalable to build a business ecosystem with an overall solution for the making of decentralized game and the running of game economy, through the combination of game engine, development environment and Cocos-BCX based game chain, hence to connect the global game ecosystem. The key participants of the ecosystem include: developers, users, content creation and the blockchain system. The scalability designed for the top-layer includes: Multi-platform game runtime environment, blockchain interactive interfaces, exchange gateways that support multi-chain and asset riveting, multi-chain connected and optimization and expansion of existing blockchain systems. The design of top-layer scalability brings about a diversified ecosystem and continued possibilities. In addition, it expands the project’s fusion boundary through at least five technologies and solutions including the integrated multi-platform game runtime environment and blockchain interactive interface.
System Ar chitectur e

To simplify development process, Cocos-BCX designs an integrated run-time environment for various Apps and supporting interoperable interfaces. Combined with COCOS Creator, it simplifies the connection between game programs and the blockchain, making interactions transparent to developers, allowing traditional game developers to develop or migrate blockchain games without any barriers. Cocos-BCX SDK is integrated into the Cocos Runtime to provide a complete blockchain interactive interface for the game. The developers can connect game content with blockchain network based on Cocos- BCX SDK for the transparent and structured interactions, which frees the game development team from investing in R&D to be compatible with the blockchain network and different devices. The runtime environment will be compatible with Android, iOS and PC Web, mobile H5 and other systems and environments. The games in the runtime environment can be run across different platforms.


Technical Updates


Bounty Pool: 1,000,000 COCOS

PayFrequent: The Best Universal, Instant, and Secure Payment Network


interested in joining the project, payfrequent you must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

The development of Payfrequent isn't a coincidence, rather, it has come at a time when the cryptoworld needed it most. This innovation will be of huge benefits to the digital world.

The traditional financial institutions, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency have added significant value to our lives, yet they are confronted with various issues, for example, inability to serve some rural areas, lack of proper security systems, issues in exchanging digital currecncies to fiats , slow global adoption of digital currencies in everyday transactions and many more.


Sequel to the above mentioned negative factors, Payfrequent was designed and developed as a multipurpose financial instrument, whose obligation is to facilitate secure and fast payment system via their apps, wallet and card network. PayFrequent was developed with air tight security, transparent, reliable and decentralized technology of the blockchain.


PayFrequent is a registered company developed on blockchain technology for global, secure, instant and 100% reliable payment system.

PayFrequent Coin was designed to aid easy movement of funds internationally. The platform was developed on blockchain to facilitate high transaction speed at a reduced cost.



Hold it anywhere: Payfrequent coin is compatible to any digital wallet, it can be withdrawn and spend as per our user’s wishes without any form of restriction or limitation in terms of means, places, time, or amount.

Hourly Reward: Our wallet users holding our coin or similar cryptos in our wallet that have over 1000 units are qualified for our hourly bonus, those holding coin somewhere in the range of 500 and 999 units will be remunerated day by day while those holding coin somewhere in the range of 5 and 50 units are compensated on month to month basis.

Absolutely Independent: Our coin is completely autonomous of other coins. This means moving our coin from one wallet to another wallet will only attract charges on our coin and not on another coin entirely as seen in some cases.

Stable Price: Payfrequent converts fiat into cryptos that are accessible on our platform. Our coin is peg to the price of some nation’s currencies.

Powered by Tomochain: Tomochain network is the foundation on which our platform coin was developed as TRC21 token Standard. It’s also compatible with any Ethereum wallet.

International Transactions: Our platform facilitate easy transfer of users funds internationally to or fro wallets that are ERC20 compatible, exchanges wallet, businesses, e-stores, to individuals too at amazingly low charge of 0.01.


PayFrequent wallet is exceptionally secured wallet with 24 hrs access to funds. The wallet will confirm users before they can withdraw their coin whenever or send it to anybody whether they are our wallet users or not.


Our wallet users must pass KYC ahead of utilizing any fiat service. Users can use our platform without KYC in the event that they option not utilize any fiat service.


PayFrequent wallet is working in conjunction with her sister organization PayFQ Payments Limited to create and distribute PayFQ Network cards. PayFQ card is the first blockchain network card exceptionally created for crpytocurrency. Users can utilize it on ATM withdrawal or payment too.


The idea behind Payfrequent project is top notch in the cryptoworld, it offers opportunity to businesses and individuals who want a fast and easy means of transferring fund internationally.
The most amazing part of Payfrequent is that cryptocurrrecncies can be utilized in real life by means of the utilization of PayFQ Network cards. This is a great feature of the project that will definitely speed up the global adoption of cryptocurrecnies in our daily financial transactions.

Useful links to the project

Website: https://payfrequent.com/
White Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/export?format=pdf&id=1AN8KaXF5D6pBaMnOVTz8Ug6JPOsLJBHx2zb6pLvs81s&includes_info_params=true
Telegram Group: https://t.me/payfrequentbounty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/payfrequent
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PayFrequent
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/payfrequent
E-mail: http://help@payfrequent.com/
Leezkie Manangement: https://t.me/LeezkieManangement


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Что такое PayFrequent?
PayFrequent — это эмитент, который выпускает цифровую валюту, полностью подкрепленную своей собственной фиатной валютой, и которая всегда может быть конвертирована в их номинальную стоимость.

В настоящее время Payfrequent использует сеть Tomochain в качестве токена TRC21 Standard, что облегчает и минимизирует операционные издержки. Поскольку система блокчейнов начала вызывать обсуждения, эта платформа первой начала старт, поддерживаемый сетью Tomochain, которая также основана на блокчейне Ethereum для запуска своих токенов PayFQ.

Payfrequent теперь также является стабильной монетой с собственным кошельком. Предполагается, что скорость транзакции этого цифрового кошелька будет очень быстрой и будет оплачиваться только в размере 0,01 от суммы отправленной монеты (Payfrequent со скоростью транзакции около 2 секунд по цене 0,01 доллара США, 0,01 евро)

Payfrequent является как децентрализованным кошельком, так и централизованным, вы сами можете выбрать, какой из них хотите использовать.

Очень интересной фишкой, которая будет отличать проект от конкурентов, является система вознаграждений. Награды будут вручаться каждому пользователю в соответствии с суммой баланса, которая у него есть, и это довольно интересно! Это должно быть самым большим вкладом в развитие экосистемы Payfrequent.

В чем преимущества PayFrequent?

Вы можете хранить свои монеты в любом кошельке с помощью своего закрытого ключа. Можете пользоваться монетами в любое время без периода блокировки и получать вознаграждение в зависимости от вашего баланса.

Почасовая награда
Вы будете получать почасовое вознаграждение за баланс выше 1000 и ежедневное вознаграждение за баланс между 500 и 999. А также ежемесячное вознаграждение за баланс между 5 и 50.
Полностью независимый
Возможность держать монеты в любом совместимом с Ethereum кошельке и отправлять его всем, у кого нет другого токена. Не нужно зависеть от любого другого нативного токена для отправки и получения.

Стабильная стоимость
PayFrequent конвертирует наличные деньги в цифровую валюту, чтобы привязать значение к цене национальных валют, таких как доллар США, евро и оффшорные индийские рупии.
Работает на Tomochain

Все монеты PayFrequent выпущены в сети Tomochain в качестве стандарта токенов TRC21, поэтому вы можете хранить их на любом совместимом с Ethereum кошельке, например на Payfrequent / Tomo / Trust Wallet.

Глобальные транзакции
Монеты PayFrequent предназначены для того, чтобы люди могли расплачиваться ими по всему миру из вашего крипто-кошелька к другим биржам, предприятиям, а также другим пользователям.

Что такое PUSD монета?

PUSD Coin (PUSD) — это тип криптовалюты, которая является стабильной монетой, то есть его цена не зависит от окружающих факторов, она всегда одна и та же. Вы можете купить 1 PUSD Coin за 1 доллар США, что и является стабильной ценой. На Payfrequent все клиенты автоматически получают вознаграждения за каждую PUSD-монету, которую они держат.

1) Легкое погашение: покупка и получение PUSD одним щелчком мыши.

2) Ликвидность: обмен в любое время с любой другой криптовалютой или отправка на банковский счет. Стоимость отправки PUSD в любое время и в любом месте всего один цент (0,01 PUSD) и скорость транзакции всего 2 секунды.
3) Держите монеты и зарабатывайте: нет периода блокировки. До 12% годовых. Простой процент выплачивается каждый час!


Я считаю данный проект очень перспективным и способным составить сильную конкуренцию другим стейблкоинам. Для меня он показался очень привлекательным и я обратил на него внимание. Теперь и вы знаете об этом проекте. Скорость обмена PayFrequent Stablecoin является самой быстрой, если сравнивать с другими стабильными монетами. PayFrequent — это монета с постоянной стоимостью, которая объединяет ценность кредита и силу фиатных денег с инновационными предпочтениями цифровой валюты. Советую всем данный проект!

#Payfrequent #Digital_currency #btc #eth #euro

WEBSITE: https://payfrequent.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://docs.google.com/document/export?format=pdf&id=1AN8KaXF5D6pBaMnOVTz8Ug6JPOsLJBHx2zb6pLvs81s&includes_info_params=true
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PayFrequent
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/payfrequent
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/payfrequentbounty

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020

BARTER SMARTPLACE - " The Confidential Ecosystem of Barter Trading on Blockchain with Digital Legal Smart-Contract"

The primary risks involved in trading over-the-counter (OTC) stocks stem from lack of reliable information and the fact that OTC stocks are commonly very thinly traded markets.

OTC stocks, also known as "penny stocks" due to the fact that many of them trade for less than $1, are a tempting opportunity for investors. They offer the chance to buy lots of shares for a little bit of money, which could turn into a lot of money if the company turns out to be highly successful. Many OTC-listed companies are touted as offering the next great technology with unlimited upside potential. However, it's very difficult for investors to determine the realistic potential of OTC stocks; there is usually very little information readily available. Unlike companies that are traded on regular stock exchanges, OTC companies aren't required to provide a lot of information. About all that's required for a company to be listed on the OTC exchange is filling out a form requesting to be listed. This can make it very difficult for the average investor to obtain sufficient information to make an informed investment decision regarding a company.

Smart contracts in the financial sector have shown their advantage in comparison with traditional methods of value transfer, but so far have not been widely used in the legal industry.

Digital assets lowered the barrier of trust, increase the privacy of the parties to the transaction and the speed of its execution. Legal smart contract with electronic signature allows achieving high reliability and convenience of the service. Barter Smartplace is a confidential digital asset exchange platform based on a legal smart contract, but as the main element of the platform ecosystem, a service of tokenization of a real valuable asset is provided, which can then be placed on the smartplace.

Barter is looking ahead and expanding the use of smart contracts in the legal field, using digital assets as contract objects. By combining digital assets of different standards in one ecosystem, it is possible to exchange them with each other instantly and almost free of charge, having received this legal contract for the transaction with a record in the data register with a copy of the digital form of the contract.

Smartplace is a trading order platform in the Barter ecosystem. An order that includes one or more items of uniform quality, items, and sets is called a lot. The lot can also include heterogeneous assets, for example, it is possible to place a car and real estate in one lot. Each order and lot is assigned a sequence number (ID) and a price is set. The value of the lot displays the total value of the assets included in it.

What exactly is BARTER SMARTPLACE?

As depicted above and as indicated on the official website of Barter Smartplace, Barter Smartplace is a confidential digital asset exchange platform based on a legal smart contract. In addition, but as the main element of the platform ecosystem, a service of tokenization of a real valuable asset is provided, which can then be placed on the smartplace. Digital assets lowered the barrier of trust, increase the privacy of the parties to the transaction and the speed of its execution. Legal smart contract with electronic signature allows achieving high reliability and convenience of the service.

Smart contracts in the financial sector have shown their advantage in comparison with traditional methods of value transfer, but so far have not been widely used in the legal industry.

Barter is looking ahead and expanding the use of smart contracts in the legal field, using digital assets as contract objects. By combining digital assets of different standards in one ecosystem, it is possible to exchange them with each other instantly and almost free of charge, having received this legal contract for the transaction with a record in the data register with a copy of the digital form of the contract.

Smartplace is a trading order platform in the Barter ecosystem. An order that includes one or more items of uniform quality, items, and sets is called a lot. The lot can also include heterogeneous assets, for example, it is possible to place a car and real estate in one lot. Each order and lot is assigned a sequence number (ID) and a price is set. The value of the lot displays the total value of the assets included in it.


by Ethereum — foundation of Barter platform design. Provides lightning transaction speed.


will provide support for a new type of trading — barter trades. Facilitates interaction between tokens standard ERC-721 and ERC-20.


ensures confidentiality of personal data of parties to transaction and other important computation.

Distribution of Investments

Attracted funding from stakeholders in the development of the Barter platform will be aimed at the development of the blockchain platform, smartplace applications and maintaining their performance. Startups in the crypto-currency industry face legal problems, so Barter has its own legal consultants to solve such issues and additionally seeks professional help from other international lawyers.

Today, any project and product at the first stage of launch needs a strong marketing strategy to become recognizable in the market and attract potential users. Barter:

smartplace is positioned as an international project. It is planned that the marketing and promotion of the product will initially be aimed at expanding the community and increasing the potential user base of the application.


All participants of primary financing before IEO will be included in white list of participation at IEO, it guarantees 100% place in market with high demand.

Participants pre-sale have right to sell tokens on IEO immediately in fact listing. Participants ICO have right to sell 50% tokens on IEO immediately in fact listing.

Token Details

Token type: ERC-20

Tiker: BRTR

Blockchain consensus: D-PoS

Token price

Pre-sale: $0,01

ICO: $0,06

IEO: $0,3

Token Distribution

Team: 10%

IEO: 10%

Reserve: 35%

Staking: 32,5%

Pre-sale: 2%

Partnership: 5%

ICO: 5%

Bounty: 0,5%



Project idea, market Analytics, conception descriptiont of the OTC-platform and product interface.


A minimum team has been formed to prepare for the seed stage of investment, presentation, writing primary documentation about the product, development of marketing strategy.


Attracting investments, expanding team, developing a minimum viable product (MVP), updating and supplementing product documentation in several languages (White Paper, Token Economy, One Page, Presentation), minimal marketing on target sites.


Launch of MVP, marketing, receiving feedback from potential users on the product, launch of crowdsale smart-contract, code audit, investor’s account on the project website, preparation for the initial exchange offer (IEO).


Develop a core product, increased marketing, Initial Exchange Offering of token Barter platform at top-cryptocurrency exchanges to attract additional investments ($3 million).


Launch of the beta version of Barter: Smartplace and blockchain test-net token platform (payment system), new partners to expand the ecosystem, integration with banking institutions (API) and registers of owners of real and movable assets.


over-the-counter and barter transactions on Barter: Smartplace by strategic partners and banks, launch of the interbank Lightning payment system (beta), preparation for the launch of main-net platform, expansion of product line, integration of the platform into interbank operations at international level.

Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

For more information, please visit:

Website: http://barter.company/
Whitepaper: http://barter.company/pdf/BARTER_WP1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/barterteam
Medium: https://medium.com/bartersmartplace
Twitter: https://twitter.com/barterteam

Author : zorzia