Rabu, 29 September 2021


Best wishes to all of you in the BLG Community
Come back with me zorzia this time I invite you to review the interesting FINANCIO project that will lead you to success

DeFi is a strategy for giving buyers financial organizations using splendid arrangements. Binance DeFi Staking partakes in express DeFi things to help customers, gets and circles recognized livelihoods, and enables customers to take an interest in DeFi stock with a single snap. DeFi courses of action give customers fundamental financial organizations at an insignificant cost. It is thorough in nature, with a set-up of cutting edge specific capacities that are versatile, long-lasting, direct, and adaptable.

The customary financial structure is correct now went facing with a couple of difficulties, including an exorbitant number of agents, a shortfall of obligation, inadequate liquidity, the strong effect of outside variables, and divergence. Regardless, through Decentralized Financing Provided by Financio are the high level systems that give different plans.


Financio is a gigantic extension drive gave to supporting economies where advancement isn’t normal or particular backwardness limits improvement. Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain.

Financio is an advanced money and prize based business community constrained by decentralized sharp arrangements. Financio will propel a money related change by utilizing blockchain advancement, which will leave everyone even more fiscally and socially associated with, empowered, and prepared to get most noteworthy prizes by partaking in different ways.

Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain. Our clients should realize that the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) is a blockchain network attempted to execute sharp arrangement based applications, which is where the Financio Coin will run. BEP works in a joint exertion with Binance’s local Binance Chain (BC), allowing customers to benefit from the best arrangement: BC’s gigantic trade throughput and BEP’s splendid understanding capacity.

BEP gets designated PoS together with proof of-authority (PoA) to achieve network understanding and defend blockchain security. PoA is eminent for its ability to thwart 51% of assaults and suffering Byzantine attacks. Validators are picked to substitute affirming association trades, and they are blamed for making blocks in a PoA way that contemplates their stake and reputation in the association. To transform into a validator, a customer should stake BNB.

Financio assists the customers with getting an honor in advanced monetary standards through Staking, developing, or crypto exchange. Also, Financio moreover enables people to gain through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectables.


Financio targets giving one more token to the customers by allowing sorting out some way to make new, extraordinary, and helping decisions. This white paper is here to help them in their huge money related decision. Financio has a mission to work with its buyers and customers through making Defi plans. These game plans will help people with making incredible benefit and get grants in advanced cash. Besides, Financio progresses exemplary customers through Staking, developing, crypto exchange through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectibles. Financio will moreover give some other possible crypto advancing other options and token burning-through cycles to people.


By saving the Lift token for a surprisingly long time, Financio will develop one more organic framework to bring more people into cutting edge assets, allowing them to create a computerized income through redistribution/reflection while holding their assurance, security, authority, and autonomy. Also, with the Lift cash automated asset, we need to set up an economy reliant upon extraordinary monetary laws and a fiery and solid decentralized reason.


Financio has a generally speaking organic arrangement of people and musings that offers the important speed, speed, and course, to help the world’s best pioneers in bringing the possible destiny of Lotteries, Staking, Farming, and Crypto Exchange immaculately.


Farming and Staking High APY and speedy pools.
At whatever point you have LP tokens, you can stake them in our crypto pools. Staker will gain FIN token as compensation inactively with gather chance in any time.

Crypto exchange humble and easy to use.
Automated market maker (AMM) exchange that engages two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain. It’s unassuming, speedy and secure.

Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain. Our buyers should realize that the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) is a blockchain network attempted to execute keen understanding based applications, which is where the Financio Coin will run. BEP functions collectively with Binance’s local Binance Chain (BC), allowing customers to benefit from the best arrangement: BC’s tremendous trade throughput and BEP’s canny agreement capacity.

BEP solidifies assigned PoS with check of-authority (PoA) to achieve network arrangement and protect blockchain security. PoA is eminent for its ability to thwart 51% of assaults and suffering Byzantine attacks. Validators are picked to substitute affirming association trades, and they are blamed for making blocks in a PoA way that ponders their stake and reputation in the association. To transform into a validator, a customer should stake BNB.

Stage information:
Tokens for sale: 4 mln
Price: 0.04 USD/1 FIN
Stage ends: 30 September 2021
Payment methods: BNB, BTC, ETH, USDT

Bonus tokens: 10


We need advanced types of cash to be a piece of everyone’s portfolio. We foresee an overall population where wealthbuilding methodologies that were at that point simply available to the rich are made open to everyone, restoring people’s order over our financial associations. Financio assists the customers with obtaining a prize in advanced monetary forms through Staking, developing, or crypto exchange.

Moreover, Financio in like manner engages people to obtain through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectables.

For More Information:

Website : http://www.financio.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.financio.io/Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/FinancioToken
Telegram Channel : https://t.me/FinancioTokenChannel
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FinancioToken

Author : zorzia
BSC wallet address : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Minggu, 12 September 2021


Best wishes to all of you in the BLG Community
Back with me zorzia this time I invite you to review the interesting Koinomo project that will lead you to your next success.

The cryptographic cash industry is at this point in its earlier stages, in this way it at present offers phenomenal opportunities to contribute before standard gathering occurs, working on the likelihood of critical yields soon. One of the guideline ways to deal with construct the value of your Bitcoin property is through trading, which is something that requires time, tirelessness, and a huge load of inclusion. Trading is everything except a straightforward task, especially in crypto. One necessities to gather gigantic heaps of little bits of information and take apart them to succeed. Trading requires looking, wandering, assessing, cross-checking, and so on

By being set up since 2017 (Koinomo) we have had a genuine long inclusion in the energetic yet temperamental crypto markets making exceptionally some credible highs and a couple of lows. We guarantee your own or association theory is making progress on the more expanded perspective. Improving on your work and basic.

In case you are proficient with PCs such a great deal of you will really need to make your KOINOMO account in under 10 minutes or and potentially get it financed. We have improved several means for you to begin and if you need any more drawn out support from a certifiable individual basically click the visit affix and have a live individual help you with getting all that you may need and explain whatever else if indispensable.


Koinomo is a phase for the destiny of resource the chiefs using Smart arrangement’s powered by blockchain Technology. The KOINOMO Token offers a response for the risky monetary game plans completed under the current overall cash related structure. More than this,the token gives a pathway to remaking fair pay flow inside the economy.

The KOINOMO Token offers a response for the questionable monetary techniques executed under the current overall cash related system. More than this, the symbolic gives a pathway to changing fair pay scattering inside the economy. KOINOMO will focus in on growing gathering of the KMO token. Extended gathering of KMO will surrender esteem support to the asset which can moreover help improvement and lead to greater capital inflow into the KOINOMO economy.


We intend to have the best and capable Fund so you have the best insight in all cases place. Our association and experience brings a help standard none making you and your assets before the gathering in the money related business and thusly in the world.

Inside your underlying very few months you will perceive how we aren’t functioning like the rest of the banking and contributing industry essentially through your endeavor understanding.

What is the base theory aggregate?

Least endeavor on the FUND Platform is 1 BNB, at any rate in the event that you are visiting a KOINOMO Brokers office the base theory total will be far higher. Note it isn’t critical to visit us in the event that you are contributing or have contributed. Due to the extended interest of courses of action, simply greater clients are dealt with.

What is the minimum investment amount?

We give no accreditations comparatively similarly as with contributing you may make an advantage or a setback. With our past returns (which aren’t guarantees) we have been averaging around somewhat more than 10% consistently per your theory asset KMO (Koinomo). You may similarly check the Fiat returns on our month to month gives a record of the Investor Relations page.

What are your average returns?

All not really settled in KMO, which suggests’ KOINOMO will likely form your KMO assets. This might ask a request, why might you routinely ponder execution reliant upon KMO? Well since 2018 Smart arrangement’s has been the most useful asset on earth. Beating the wide range of various things. So it would simply be with everything taken into account right to add to that improvement as we will likely create just as guarantee your bounty.



KOINOMO token will be released based on BSC Network on PancakeSwap.

4 September 2021 (09:00 GMT)
Number of tokens sold
500,000 KMO (5%)

16 September 2021 (11:00 GMT)
Presale Token Price
1 KMO = $0.5

Acceptable currency
BNB(bep-20) & USDT
Minimum transaction amount
$100 worth of BNB

Author : zorzia
Binance Smart Chain BEP20(BSC) address : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Sabtu, 11 September 2021


#Vizerix #Blockchain
#BinanceSmartChain #Presale #Cryptocurrency

Что такое Визерикс?
Vizerix - первая платформа для приобретения цифровых активов
Возможности, которые вы получаете от vizerix:

Vizerix Предпродажа

Ставки Vizerix
Реферал Vizerix

Приложение Vizerix (скоро)
Vizerix Предпродажа

Предпродажа Vizerix - это первый проект, в котором каждый владелец получает цифровой актив во время предпродажи.

Предпродажная цена: 3,000,000 VRX \ BNB
Прейскурант: 2000000 VRX \ BNB
Минимальная покупка - 0,02 BNB
Максимальная покупка - 5

Список BNB в обмене на блины 20 сентября 2021 г.
Все непроданные токены VRX будут сожжены
80% привлеченных средств будет добавлено в ликвидность
Токены LP будут заблокированы на 2 года

Преимущества, которые вы получите, присоединившись к предварительной продаже vizerix:

Зарабатывайте еженедельно цифровые активы и пассивы, поскольку Vizerix еженедельно распределяет 20% средств, собранных в BNB, держателям VRX.

Приглашайте друзей и автоматически получайте 20% на свой счет от суммы покупки на BNB

Купите / продайте токены VRX во время предпродажи. Vizerix - уникальный проект, в котором цена токена растет на 1% ежедневно перед регистрацией на Pancake Swap.

Ссылка на предпродажную покупку Vizerix ЗДЕСЬ
Ставки Vizerix

Делая ставки, вы получите пассивный доход в виде вознаграждений или процентов от заблокированных активов. Это упрощает получение диверсифицированного дохода от цифровых активов.

Пример: вы рискнули 100 USDT. Каждый день вы будете получать 7 USDT на свой счет в течение 5 дней.

Преимущества, которые вы получите, присоединившись к Vizerix Staking:

Сложите свои цифровые активы и получайте 7% ежедневно от вашего депозита.
По прошествии 5 дней вы сможете сделать запрос на вывод.

Ваша чистая прибыль составит 35% за 5 дней.
Обработка вывода может занять до 24 часов
не превышает 300 долларов в криптовалюте на момент депозита
Минимальная сумма депозита составляет 10 долларов в криптовалюте на момент депозита.

Ссылка на покупку для размещения ставок Vizerix ЗДЕСЬ
Реферал Vizerix

Vizerix предлагает несколько вариантов получения цифровых активов без вложений для каждого члена платформы.

Преимущества, которые можно получить от Vizerix Referral:

Приглашайте друзей и зарабатывайте 0,0005 ETH за каждую регистрацию по вашей реферальной ссылке.

Расскажите сообществу о нашем проекте и получите 20% от каждой покупки токенов VRX или 5% от суммы, внесенной вашими рефералами в наш пул ставок.

Вывод приветственного бонуса и реферальных средств. для регистрации состоится 25 сентября 2021 г.

Вывод реферальных средств для покупок или ставок вашими рефералами обрабатывается по запросу в течение 48 часов

Ссылка для присоединения к нам ЗДЕСЬ

Начальная ликвидность - 80%
Общий объем: 1000000000 VRX
Ликвидность будет заблокирована на 2 года
Адрес контракта: 0xb0d04c9e54bac32d6b9f7007b8c09e4583a816dc
Дорожная карта

Август 2021 г.
Маркетинговая кампания

Сентябрь 2021
Регистрация на Coinecko
Team Expansion

Mobile APP
Регистрация на PancakeSwap

Октябрь 2021 г.
Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте Whitebit

Team Expansion

Ноябрь 2021 г.
Зарегистрируйтесь на Hotbit
TikTok Marketing

Team Расширение команды

For more information :

Website : https://vizerix.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/vizerix
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vizerixgroup
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Vizerixplatform
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvxIygBjW2WO06s7UM9u7Og
ANN : https://t.me/vizerixann

Author : zorzia
Vizerix E-Mail : zorziarusia2018@gmail.com

Kamis, 09 September 2021

Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game

What is Cryptopia Land

Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum/BSC. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar)

Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum/BSC. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar).

What is CLD?

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) serves as the native currency for Cryptopia Land. Mining equipment, mining charges, armor, etc can be obtained with CLD. There is a maximum supply of 4,000,000 CLD tokens.

Mission and Future of Cryptopia Land

Cryptopia Land is being developed with the real economy in mind. Players will have the ability to participate in a broad range of the commercial activities on the Cryptopia Land platform: trade, research, manufacture, mine, hunt and much more. Decentralized auction will be available for the players to trade their assets.

Cryptopia Land is in constant motion and keeps expanding as new resources are discovered, each one different from the rest

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) is a native currency that is used for staking, governance and payments within Cryptopia Land

Cryptopia Land utilizes a unique game engine, specifically for the hosting of completely decentralized blockchain game

Cryptopia Land transactions are blockcain based for security and trust

Cryptopia Land and Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) are based on Ethereum network/BSC network

Solve puzzles, earn CLD and design your own mining equipment


Total supply: 4,000,000 CLD

Game rewards: 700,000 CLD

Initial liquidity pool: 500,000 CLD

Initial rewards: 200,000 CLD

Team: 1,000,000 CLD

Cryptopia Land DAO development fund: 1,400,000 CLD

Beta testers: 200,000 CLD



Cryptopia Land - Blockchain Based Play2earn Game Real Economy

cold80 (29)in #bep20 • 9 hours ago



Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum/BSC. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar).

What is CLD?

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) serves as the native currency for Cryptopia Land. Mining equipment, mining charges, armor, etc can be obtained with CLD. There is a maximum supply of 4,000,000 CLD tokens.

Mission and Future of Cryptopia Land

Cryptopia Land is being developed with the real economy in mind. Players will have the ability to participate in a broad range of the commercial activities on the Cryptopia Land platform: trade, research, manufacture, mine, hunt and much more. Decentralized auction will be available for the players to trade their assets.


Total supply: 4,000,000 CLD

Game rewards: 700,000 CLD

Initial liquidity pool: 500,000 CLD

Initial rewards: 200,000 CLD

Team: 1,000,000 CLD

Cryptopia Land DAO development fund: 1,400,000 CLD

Beta testers: 200,000 CLD


Author : zorzia



Rabu, 08 September 2021

Neox is portfolio of the future to be a spectacular

Best wishes to all of you in the BLG Community
Come back with me zorzia this time I invite you to review the interesting Neox project that will lead you to success

The impact of cryptocurrency is growing everyday across different areas of human endeavor. This trend is projected to continue as cryptocurrency is poised to becoming the currency of the future given the innumerable advantages and used cases. However, we are yet to get to mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency mainly because of several challenges, such as security, ease of use, scalability, inter currency conversion and others.

To ensure that cryptocurrency takes her place as a remarkable payment option, then some of the following grey areas must be addressed:

Security: Cryptocurrency payment system must be safe and secured.

Ease of Use: People should be able to conveniently use cryptocurrency as they use fiat currency. In that case multifunctional cryptocurrency cards becomes necessary to drive this need.

Inter Currency Conversion: People should be able to easily convert from one currency to another. That is, from one cryptocurrency to another and from cryptocurrency to fiat and vice versa.

Cost Effectiveness: Cryptocurrency payment systems must be cheaper than the conventional systems. In this case people will naturally prefer cryptocurrency payments to fiat payment.

Interestingly, many cryptocurrency companies have attempted to solve these problems with many creating crypto cards. Unfortunately, there have not been any cryptocurrency project or platform that have been able to address all these key problems. Most of the cryptocurrency cards out there only allow conversion from Bitcoin or Ethereum to fiat. What if we have a card and payment system that is secured, easy to use and allows conversion from any cryptocurrency to fiat and readily available anywhere in the world?


It is exciting to know that Neox is building an all-inclusive payment system that will make access to cryptocurrency and use of it fun. The aim of this project is to enable people use cryptocurrency in their daily lives as they use fiat currency. In the NEOX ecosystem, we have the Neox App and the Neox Card.


Single Transaction Fee: With Neox Card, you don’t have to convert your cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin or Ethereum before converting to Fiat. This saves users the cost of multiple conversions as you can convert any cryptocurrency to fiat with a single transaction fee.

Security: The Neox Card is highly secured. In a case of security threats, user can lock and unlock the card from the Neox App.

Availability: The card can be used anywhere in the world and many merchants will accept it for payment.
Internal Exchange integration: An internal exchange will be integrated into the Neox App, this will enable users to be able to exchange their cryptocurrency anywhere and anytime.

Access to Crypto Credit: Users can apply for credit in the Neox App and this will be credited to your Neox Card as fiat.


Within the Neox Ecosystem is an ERC-20 token called the NEOX Token(NEX) that will be used as the native token. There is a total supply of 1,500,000 NEX with 70% of it for sell, 15% for the NEOX team, 5% for bounty and 10% as bonus token reserve.


It is worthy to note that there will be serious demand for the NEX token and this is what will lead to increase in price of the token. First, buying the NEX token at the ICO with the minimum requirements qualifies the user to own a free Neox Card. Secondly, Token holders have access to crypto credit. Thirdly, there is a profit sharing for the NEX token holders; this is similar to staking or static reflection. Therefore, investing in this project with a real product is a wise decision.


You have the chance to participate in the token sale to qualify for a free Neox Card. The minimum investment to qualify is $500 and there is limited supply of the card. You can visit the website for detail on how to buy the NEX. At this early stages of the token sale, there is bonus up to 30% and this reduces as time progresses.


There is no doubt the Neox project is a future oriented project. It is a common knowledge that the card will stand out as a great resort for people who want to enjoy the beauty of cryptocurrency and the demand for the Neox Token will equally rise.

#neox, #neoxcard, #nex, #cryptocurrency, #ico

Website : https://neoxcard.co/
Whitepaper : https://neoxcard.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/White-paper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/neox_card
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mFZ-C9e8kqaQ-ikNL8f7g/videos
Telegram : https://t.me/NEOX_Official_Channel
Medium : https://medium.com/@neox_card
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/neox_card/
Bounty Thread BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5355443.0

Author : zorzia
ERC-20 address : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Selasa, 07 September 2021

Landorc is a Platform that Bridging Real-estate Funding With Crypto Solutions

Best wishes to all of you in the BLG Community
Back with me, <zorzia> this time I invite you to review the interesting { Landorc } project that will lead you to your next succes

Land is a decentralized platform that allows investors to invest in land and property. The platform is blockchain based allowing tokenization of assets. This will allow people from all regions to invest in capital-starved countries, such as USA, which has been suffering from a credit crunch for the last few years. LandCorp is a decentralized crypto blockchain platform for the purchase of real estate using cryptocurrency. It allows movement of capital between investors and land owners, both local and abroad in a frictionless manner by completing the processes through smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain.

This blog is an analysis of the Landorc Crypto platform. The company that has created the Landorc crypto blockchain wants to find out if they have a viable product and how successful they will be. They built the most basic of blockchain and will be using it to store and send information. The most basic blockchain can't be used to do much, but it is the perfect blockchain for learning and comparing it to other blockchains. This analysis will compare the most basic of blockchains (Landorc Crypto blockchain) to the more advanced blockchains such as the Bitcoin blockchain. The Landorc blockchain can be used. Worried about being scammed on the internet? Well, that is your right. But there are some blockchain projects out there that are trying to ensure your digital property rights are protected so you don't have to worry. Here is an article about Landorc , a blockchain project that is trying to do just that.

In this blog we will analyze Landorc's crypto blockchain. The blog will be of interest to you if you have invested in this project or are thinking about investing in it.

Fundamental analysis involves a lot of research of a company's financial statements and other financial documents. It helps you to understand a company's business and this is more of a long-term approach to investing.

In this blog we will talk about the Landorc crypto blockchain from a fundamental analysis perspective.

Since the invention of blockchain, we can say that it has become a revolution in this area. For those who do not know, it is a huge technology that has been developed over the last few years, and it is based on the basic technology of Bitcoin (which is a kind of currency). The blockchain is a kind of distributed database that uses cryptography to store and verify transactions. And it is like a digital version of a ledger, and it can take many kinds of data. One of the most important features of the blockchain is that it is decentralized, which means that no single entity can control it.

The Lando coin whitepaper fully explains the utility of the token and use of the Lando Coin blockchain technology. This blog provides a review of the Lando Coin blockchain.

Blog Details:
Lando Coin blockchain is an innovative development in cryptocurrency that encompasses a land registry system that provides a secure decentralized database of land titles. Lando Coin is a LAND utility token which will drive the ecosystem and will be the sole way to pay for all transactions within the Lando Coin blockchain.

Lando Coin LAND utility token will be the only one accepted as a payment method for all activities


The Landorc platform is controlled by the LORC cryptocurrency. It is an ERC20 digital token that is used for all transactions in the community. There is also a land NFT token which is used to verify and store data and property transactions to ensure transparency.

The management also issue land governance tokens. This is allocated to members that have signature wallets and other core management team to allow them to vote in management decisions.


With blockchain technology, you can store data in a decentralized, secure way. This platform will provide the opportunity to use the blockchain technology to every corner of the world.

The blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network.

The Landorc platform purpose is to create a new, decentralized and secure blockchain platform and to build a chain of decentralized applications using smart contracts. The construction of a decentralized blockchain system and the improvement of the welfare and living conditions of the local population.

This is built into the cryptocurrency system. The features are made by the users themselves, so you have the ability to see what is being developed in real time. All the participants of the LandPaths ecosystem may earn money by investing in the real sector of economy.

Land Order is a decentralized blockchain that combines the technology of blockchain with the real estate of the land. The purpose of the token is to change real estate into a digital asset that can be used by everyone.

The benefits of land ownership is not limited to taxes. Land ownership is also an asset that can be used for financial security, social status, and the pursuit of happiness.

Blockchain technology to protect your transactions and insurance against fraud, and ensure the integrity of your money. The Landor project plans to create a blockchain which will be used for all financial and business fields.


The team at Landorc is excited to bring its innovative blockchain platform to the world. As we continue to grow and develop our technology, we hope to continue to educate our community about the benefits of our platform and how Landorc can help facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology. If you have any questions or concerns about our technology, we encourage you to message us anytime. We look forward to hearing from you!

We hope you enjoyed this blog post about the analysis of Landorc blockchain. We thank our readers for taking the time to read our articles and we hope you will continue to do so in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about our article, please contact us anytime at https://landorc.io/

Detailed Information:
WEB: https://landorc.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/ECZFCDv8DPY0ODk1
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LandOrc1
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LandOrc.io/

Author : zorzia
ETH : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Rabu, 01 September 2021


Motherdog a Decentralized Meme token with Decentralized Exchange and NFTs Marketplace. Motherdog develop Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain is wonderful, with most endeavor, the greatest DeFi Users, the most affordable gas charge and the speediest trade speed. You will find potential on Motherdog, Including improvement store, Support, Activities, Connection, etc

Binance Smart Chain is seen as an equivalent blockchain, making a twofold chain structure via conveying programmability to Binance Chain. Binance and Binance Smart Chain have both procured the thought of architects, vendors, and monetary supporters. A piece of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallets are: MetaMask. The Binance Smart Chain is an adroit agreement engaged blockchain network made completely aim on making a decentralized money related (DeFi) climate. The Binance Smart Chain works using a Proof-of-Authority understanding framework.

The decentralized thought of blockchain makes the groundbreaking thought of a representative economy where the neighborhood can be circulated to the genuine substance producers and organization customers who make regard. Picture coins, of course, fill no authentic need right now, and most of them were made as a way to deal with make a fast buck. A part of these coins have gained notoriety since they're progressed by convincing VIPs, and retail monetary patrons have guided up their expenses by propelling them vivaciously on the web.

Pre-Sale MDOG Token from Motherdog

$MDOG Presale is live now!

Motherdog is a next generation Decentralized Meme Token with #DEX and NFTs Marketplace build on #BinanceSmartChain

Collision symbolOnly 30% of the total supply is allocated for Presale. be the first as an Mdog holder
Tokenomic MDOG
Name : Motherdog
Ticker : MDOG
Supply : 1000 Billion
Devour : half
In Circulation : 10%
Pre-bargain : 30%
Advancing : 5%
Airdrop : 5%

Supply : 1000 Billion
Pre-bargain : 300 Billion
Start : 2021–08–25
End : 2021–09–25
Time : 1 Month
Recognize Currencies : BNB
Trading scale 1 BNB : MDOG
Max aggregate assembled : 3 BNB

SmartContract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xc62deecfc7b318f159db3e30d84f39e624d7d49e
Motherdog Swap

Motherdog Swap is a DeFi show dependent on the Binance Smart Chain ,offer the best things to the neighborhood. It limits as a decentralized exchange (DEX) that accepts a mechanized market maker (AMM) model. Stamping and Farming, Sell and buy uncommon NFTs, get your own NFTs collection and altogether more.


In the domain of cryptocurency, burning-through an emblematic method to deliberately eliminate that token from courses , routinely by sending it to a cryptographic cash wallet to which no one methodologies. Devouring a ton of computerized cash tokens can fabricate the lack of that token .The demonstration of coin burning-through is ordinary in the crypto business and is exceptionally simple to do.

Numerous exercises use coin burning-through to shield their assets natural market extent. Decreasing the hard and fast volume of coins,theoretically,leads to their value increase,provided that current interest pointers are stayed aware of.Token burning-through is ussualy performed by the headway bunch behind a particular computerized cash asset. It will in general be done in a couple ways,most balance is unreservedly clear on the blockchain,but permission to its substance is out of reach to anyone. MDOG Token burn-through is half and will be done in three phases :

Stage 1 : 20%
Stage 2 : 10 %
Stage 3 : 20%

Motherdog wallet on android and ios

Motherdog convenient wallet for Binance Smart Chain/BEP20 and Ethereum/ERC20/ERC223 tokens. Give a totally security assessed system that works on it to store your, expected for iOS and Android, give the best insight and convenience.

For more info please visit:

■ Website : https://mother.dog
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/motherdogBSC
■ Telegram: https://t.me/motherdogBSC
■ Medium : https://motherdog.medium.com
■ Github : https://github.com/Motherdog

Author: zorzia
BSC wallet : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a