Jumat, 27 Mei 2022


Back with me    zorzia   this time I invite you to review the interesting Bridge Swap project that will lead you to your next success.

You probably know about cryptocurrency trading. Register with your email Enter a strong password. Verify your account and start trading. electronic money

Decentralized exchanges are like that. Except for most of the difficulties in applying No direct cryptocurrency deposits or withdrawals are made between two user wallets. with restrictions (if any!) from third parties.

What Is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?

A decentralized exchange is a type of cryptocurrency exchange that allows transactions to be made. Live peer-to-peer encryption happens securely online and requires no middlemen.

In a centralized cryptocurrency exchange Much of the control of your account remains in the hands of the third party operating the exchange. You still have full control over your account.

Pros Of DEXs

KYC-Free - KYC/AML compliance is standard on many exchanges. for general legal reasons Individuals must submit identification and proof of address. This is a privacy concern for some and an accessibility concern for others. What if you don't have the right documents on hand? What if the information is leaked somehow? Because DEX does not have a license. So no one checks your identity. All you need is a digital wallet.

No Counterparty Risk – The main attraction of decentralized crypto exchanges is that they do not hold customer funds.

Unlisted Tokens - Tokens are not in a centralized exchange. It can also be traded freely on DEX as long as there is supply and demand.

What is Bridgeswap?

Bridgeswap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to instantly swap crypto tokens, provide liquidity, and staking for rewards in the form of rewards. Bridgeswap's goal is to connect Defi web 3.0 with traditional finance in a decentralized way. To create an equitable, sustainable, accessible platform and community-based global economy

Mission - BridgeSwap's mission is to provide decentralized financial opportunities globally through support, security, and transparency.

Vision - Connect Defi on Web 3.0 from traditional finance in a decentralized way to create a fair, sustainable, accessible and community-driven DAO global economy.

Products of Bridgeswap

Bridgeswap has launched four innovative products: Bridge Trade, Bridge Swap farm, Bridge Pool, Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 zap and Bridge Swap lottery.

Bridge Swap - Bridge Swap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to instantly exchange Bep20 crypto tokens with other Bep20s using liquidity pools.

Bridge Swap Farm - Bridge Swap Farm allows you to earn rewards in the form of tokens and brokerage fees by adding tokens to our liquidity pool.

Bridge Swap Pool - With Bridge Swap Pool, you can stake Bris tokens to earn more tokens. This is a great way to monetize your tokens. instead of holding your tokens You can earn you free tokens by putting them in the BridgeSwap pool so if you want your Bris tokens to work consider staking. The Bridegswap team allows you to stake and earn more Bris tokens in two ways. These ways include manual BRIS pool and automatic BRIS pool.

Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap - Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap is a unique system built by a team to provide sustainable solutions to the critical challenges faced by Defi and Farming protocols. Most Defi protocols struggle to achieve. Liquidity is sufficient to execute the protocol. Bridegswap's solution to this problem is zap Defi 2.0. This unique new system allows liquidity providers to swap liquidity pools for discounted Bris tokens. Bridegswap receives the liquidity provided by this system and will not rely solely on liquidity providers for our liquidity pool. The liquidity provided by the Defi 2.0 zap is stored in the designated wallet as a reserve.

Referral Program - BridgeSwap Referral is an on-chain referral program that allows users to earn $BRIS without depositing any tokens. You simply refer other users to bet on farms and pools. And you will start earning 10% of their $BRIS return forever.

Lottery - The Bridge Swap Lottery is a game of chance in which a winner is chosen at random. Lottery allows all users to buy at least one lottery ticket to win big BRIS prizes.

Benefits of BridgeSwap

Warranty: BridgeSwap creates tools for users to take advantage of opportunities. regardless of location, background or wealth regardless of experience and wealth

Transparency: Community-based governance process to ensure users understand our common goals and open source development through Github.

Security: Our top priority is the safety of our funds and community of users.


Bridgeswap will become the primary integrator of the DeFi protocol, meaning new passive income opportunities. and other tokens in your wallet Jump on the bandwagon and be one of the first! First investors will enjoy premium features and more BRIS tokens!

Author : zorzia
BSC Wallet : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Kamis, 26 Mei 2022

concept About (MYGA)

Back with me    zorzia    this time I invite you to review the interesting MYGA project that will lead you to your next success.

Everyone including you must have a dream to have financial freedom. What is financial freedom? Financial freedom is a state where you can make various decisions without worrying too much about finances. You are free to use the money to buy whatever you want.

To achieve financial freedom is certainly not easy. You must be able to manage finances wisely from a young age. The income you receive must be managed properly, it should not be spent. The money must be allocated for investment, saving, business capital, and other things that can make money.

You can allocate your money to Investree funding that is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority to get attractive returns of up to 20% p.a. Download the Investree for Lender application now and provide funding according to your preferences such as Loan Funding, Retail Government Securities, and Mutual Funds for Lenders. With Investree’s funding, achieving financial freedom will not be difficult for the next few years.

How to Achieve Financial Freedom

Understanding Current Financial Conditions
The basic point that must be done to achieve financial freedom is that you must understand the current financial condition. Know your current financial condition, whether the income earned can meet all your needs or not.

If your income is still not enough because the cost of living is too much, then you have to do an evaluation or correction. If there are expenses that are not too important, they can be removed so they are not too wasteful, the money can be used for other things such as saving and investing.

Determine Financial Goals
After you evaluate your current financial condition, you need to set long-term goals. You have to make your own financial goals because everyone’s financial goals are different.

Setting financial goals is important because it can help motivate and show you where to go. If you do not have financial goals, you will definitely have difficulty managing finances so that financial freedom is not achieved.

Start Investing
Over time, the value of the money you have can decrease due to the influence of inflation. One way to avoid this is to start investing. The number of investments you have allows you to achieve financial freedom.

There are many investment instruments to choose from, ranging from gold investments, deposits, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, to property. Before making a choice, you need to study each of these investment instruments. Also determine whether you will take a short-term or long-term investment instrument.

Paying Off Debt
Having a lot of debt will make it difficult for you to achieve financial freedom. This condition is caused by the payment of debt will be included in the calculation of the monthly budget or monthly expenses. For that, consider paying off all the debts you have. Start with the debt with the highest interest.

Starting to pay off debts that are quite a lot, then you will be helped in forming a strong foundation a strong foundation will also help you to build a better financial condition. Yield alludes to the income created and acknowledged on a speculation throughout a specific timeframe. It’s communicated as a rate in view of the contributed sum, current market worth, or presumptive worth of the security. Yield incorporates the premium procured or profits got from holding a specific security.

Myga.money is The first truly sustainable multi-reward generating asset, which generates permanent rewards in 3 currencies simultaneously for its customers without any entry hurdles. Enjoy your permanent income in the Protocol’s own currency MYGA (Multi Yield Generating Asset) and the well-known currency BNB as well as the stablecoin Busd. Let us do all the work!

#MYGA #MYGAmoney #MultiYieldGeneratingAsset #BEP20 #BSC

Author : zorzia
BSC Wallet address : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a

Rabu, 18 Mei 2022


Torna con me zorzia questa volta ti invito a rivedere l'interessante progetto Kalycoin che ti porterà al tuo prossimo successo.

#kalycoin #Kalypay #Blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #bountycampaign

Se non lo sapevi già, l'emergere della tecnologia blockchain e delle criptovalute è essenziale per risolvere una serie di problemi in vari campi dell'attività umana. Uno di questi è il settore dei bonifici transfrontalieri. Vale la pena notare che le criptovalute stanno ora affrontando con successo il problema del trasferimento di fondi, rendendo questo processo veloce, economico e sicuro. Oggi ti invito a saperne di più sulla piattaforma KalyCoin, che ha già una serie di importanti funzionalità che sicuramente ti interesseranno. Puoi anche scoprire come la piattaforma KalyСoin risolve il problema dei trasferimenti di denaro transfrontalieri veloci e sicuri rendendoli più accessibili.

Per comprendere l'importanza della piattaforma KalyCoin, vale la pena prestare attenzione agli obiettivi fissati dal team della piattaforma. Uno dei compiti principali di KalyCoin è creare la migliore piattaforma in grado di fornire trasferimenti di denaro transfrontalieri veloci e sicuri per ciascuno dei suoi utenti. Credo che questo sia un compito importante e globale che porta la piattaforma KalyCoin a un nuovo livello superiore, che a sua volta la renderà significativa nel mercato e nel mondo.

A proposito di Kalycoin

Kalycoin è una criptovaluta destinata ad essere utilizzata da tutti. Il progetto si concentra sulla fornitura di un'esperienza di pagamento efficiente e conveniente a tutti per pagare beni e servizi e agli altri commercianti partner, nonché transazioni transfrontaliere a tassi di trasferimento competitivi. Kalycoin consentirà a tutti in tutto il mondo, sfruttando gli ultimi progressi nella tecnologia blockchain, di fornire una nuova modalità di pagamento in criptovaluta con integrazione DeFi, incluso lo sviluppo di contatti intelligenti e la futura integrazione con i sistemi di intelligenza artificiale. L'ecosistema Kalycoin diventerà un sistema di trasferimento di denaro peer to peer in cui questa piattaforma fornisce l'accesso a rimesse internazionali e soluzioni di pagamento a basso costo per tutti.

Missione di KalyCoin

La missione è accelerare la transizione alle criptovalute costruendo, da un lato, una rete di progetti di criptovalute e, dall'altro, concentrandosi sullo sviluppo della capacità dei commercianti di accettare criptovalute come pagamento.

La rete KalyCoin sarà una soluzione blockchain ad alte prestazioni, che renderà i flussi di transazione tra utenti di criptovalute e commercianti che accettano criptovalute trasparenti, redditizi e sicuri.
Potenziali della rete KalyCoin

Il supporto di KalyCoin all'istituto finanziario aiuta ad affrontare le sfide affrontate da un'istituzione rispetto alle criptovalute.

KALYSSI fornisce soluzioni tecnologiche di supporto per soddisfare i requisiti di conformità e normativi degli istituti finanziari.

La rete KALYSSI garantisce che le istituzioni si integrino facilmente nelle criptovalute con righe di codice tramite le API.

Si assicura inoltre che l'istituto abbia le proprie regole e regolamenti per il modello di business e la conformità.

Vantaggi dell'utilizzo di KalyCoin

Offerte ampie e interessanti per i clienti per incoraggiare finanziariamente l'uso di criptovalute.

Concentrandosi su soluzioni che consentono ai clienti di spendere tramite più canali e ai commercianti online di accettare criptovalute.

Le API KalyPay collegate ai gateway esistenti (metodi di pagamento) incoraggeranno i commercianti a implementarle e possono anche offrire sconti sostanziali ai propri clienti. I clienti pagheranno utilizzando l'applicazione KalyPay. Il pagamento sarà istantaneo.

L'inesistenza di commissioni di transazione tra clienti incoraggia un uso massiccio del sistema.

Decentramento del protocollo nell'elaborazione delle transazioni.

La rete di distributori e franchising si è adattata ad ogni tipo di mercato: consapevoli che nonostante le potenzialità offerte da blockchain e criptovalute c'è un grande divario, per l'adozione massiccia di questa nuova tecnologia

Kalycoin (KLC)

KLC è il token nativo dell'ecosistema Kalycoin. KLC è una valuta digitale che è al centro di un nuovo potente ecosistema di servizi bancari e finanziari basato su pagamenti peer-to-peer crittografati e autorizzati e trasferimenti di denaro, a livello globale, che risolvono molteplici problemi. Si sta inoltre posizionando come canale di pagamento leader nei trasferimenti di pagamento globali. KLC è un token DeFi sulla catena intelligente di Binance che ti consente di partecipare alla finanza decentralizzata.

Nome token: KALYCOIN
Simbolo: KLC
Rifornimento totale: 75.000.000 KLC


La piattaforma Kalycoin diventerà un ponte e un luogo in cui le persone possono sviluppare il proprio portafoglio e le proprie carriere in modo più efficiente, soprattutto per tutti coloro che desiderano accedere al mercato finanziario decentralizzato fornendo vari servizi, inoltre, è anche molto vantaggioso per i commercianti dove offre un nuovo gateway di pagamento, anche se ci sono varie altre piattaforme che ci danno gli stessi obiettivi e ora che esisteva oggi, alcune delle piattaforme là fuori hanno ancora molti svantaggi come la mancanza di trasparenza e sicurezza, quindi Kalycoin viene fornito con un nuovo ecosistema decentralizzato in cui offrirà un concetto decentralizzato in cui diventerà il vantaggio della loro piattaforma rispetto ai suoi concorrenti. Spero che questo progetto funzioni senza intoppi e vi consiglio davvero di entrare a far parte della community di Kalycoin!

Author : zorzia
Coinsbit registration Email : zorziarusia2018@gmail.com

Minggu, 15 Mei 2022

Workquest is a decentralized job market based on blockchain technology

Back with me zorzia this time I invite you to review an interesting WorkQuest project that will lead you to your next success.

#WorkQuest $WQT $WUSD #WorkNet #WorkQuestApp #blockchian #crypto #cryptolife #BTC #BNB #ETH #digitalization #digitalassets #saving #BinanceSmartChain


Job creation has become a major challenge in various parts of the world due to the progressive increase in population. More jobs have to be created to meet this huge demand effectively. Employers have also been faced with a tedious process during job interviews just to get the right person fit for the job in all ramifications. We stated that productive job creation is global due to the following reasons:

The unavailability of rewarding jobs and their sufficiency which impacts both parties worldwide

Some global factors like labor, and the flow of trade across borders, have a great impact on employing individuals across different nations.

Creating mouthwatering job offers and sufficient positions for the growing population of each nation and the world entirely is a major concern amongst world leaders given to global advancement.

In times when a huge gap will be seen between the number of vacant job positions and the number of individuals who are available for the job offer, WorkQuest will bridge this gap and create a solution to this problem by designing an ecosystem to link employers with individuals job hunting across the globe. The labor market including the factors affecting it worldwide is easy to relate to by understanding that it is an ecosystem formed by relationship by the reconnection of the labor market globally in demand and supply of resources. As a result of differences in quality and quantity of nations, the requirements needed to create a labor market, social security, and wages also vary seeing that every nation has its peculiar means of proferring solution alongside its execution and implementation. WorkQuest assists in building a reliable source of connection that relives the percentage of unemployed people in society.

Demand and supply are concepts not proportional to each other. In other words, when demand is high, supply becomes low and vice versa. However, through the application of WorkQuest, this imbalance will be leveled to near equilibrium.


Globalization, patterns, variations, and migrations in the labor standards of the world are the major players of advancement in the world labor market. To best down these players, WorkQuest was created.


Website: https://workquest.co/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJu91wQLdjJQJLLZA2SqgLu9qqLktyQ0/preview
Telegram: https://t.me/WorkQuestChat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/workquest_co
Discord: https://discord.gg/U8k234ArHP
FB: https://www.facebook.com/WorkQuestOfficial/
Medium: https://medium.com/@workquest
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/workquestofficial

Author : zorzia
BSC Wallet address : 0xBBE79c7dcEca5C7Fecb7adb6CB946F70fF936B7a