Jumat, 18 Agustus 2023


Hello everyone… Here I will let you know by writing a review to introduce the LT2EGPT project for it, see the article I made below to give you an idea about the project

LT2EGPT is the world’s most technologically advanced global supply and liquefaction platform, developed to solve the problems facing today’s traditional supply and liquefaction systems. It uses the most advanced blockchain technology and machine learning to create a platform capable of tracking and managing all information related to the supply chain, from start to finish. It also reduces costs and increases the efficiency of the supply chain and disbursement process. LT2EGPT Supply & Disbursement is a solution that provides online supply and disbursement functionality for your business. It allows you to manage your inventory by creating a centralized pool of goods and services.

Virtual Assets Creation and Trading, The best platform and concept. Great future and very experienced team always working behind this project so I think this project will be successful.

Immersive Experience: LT2E GPT promises. Most of the companies that raise funds through ICOs are actively developing their products. You guys have a great working style. I recommend everyone to take part in this amazing project which has an innovative approach and inspiring ideas that are useful for the whole community. Good luck with the future.

This project has the ability to succeed, with a sound idea and an effective team, has a detailed roadmap of action. Everyone has to consider, to see impressive developments.

LT2EGPT’s mission is to provide mixed reality powered by an economy. The first game from LT2EGPT is a draw. LT2EGPT currently displays a series. The LT2EGPT series takes a Play-to-Earn approach to reward players after victorious battles. How does LT2EGPT make it possible to buy real estate using cryptocurrencies quickly and reliably?

This project is very feasible in the crypto industry. I think this project will be successful and successful because it has a great team.

I believe in a team of project professionals who will take this project to the top. This is a great opportunity for large investors to invest in this project, which will bring success in the future.

How does LT2E GPT make it possible to quickly and reliably buy real estate using cryptocurrencies?


GPT LT2E is a great example of the benefits of blockchain technology, as it aims to make the real estate market more transparent, efficient and accessible to everyone. You can read more about the project platform here, please contact their team at the link below.

The LT2E GPT project is a great example of the benefits of blockchain technology, as it aims to make the real estate market more transparent, efficient and accessible to everyone. You can read more about the project platform here, please contact their team at the link below.

This LT2EGPT will come when you have tight marks, the work that is with you. Have faith, and don’t give up. LT2EGPT Experts project that in the next few years everyone will integrate at least one of their daily activities into LT2EGPT.

For more information visit:

website: https://lt2e.app
Twitter : https://lnkd.in/g2uPnaic
Telegram: https://t.me/LT2EGPT

Author : zorzia
ETH Address : 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70

Kamis, 17 Agustus 2023


Hello everyone… Here I will let you know by writing a review to introduce the ASENIX project to it, see the article I made below to give you an idea about the project

Project Overview

One of the significant challenges facing our oceans and seas is the problem of plastic pollution. Over the years of mass production, human society has created almost eight billion metric tons of plastic. Merely 9% has undergone recycling, while around 12% has been eliminated. The majority, approximately 80% of all plastic manufactured, gathers in landfills or is released into the natural environment, ultimately entering rivers, creeks, and oceans.

Plastic is amassing rapidly in our oceans; the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, situated between California and Hawaii, is estimated to be three times larger than France, and distressing images of animals ensnared in plastic are widespread.

Although plastic pollution is conspicuous, microplastics are one of the most elusive types of ocean contamination. Instead of biodegrading, plastic breaks down into smaller fragments, leading to microplastics. These minuscule particles, less than 5mm in size, constitute a significant portion of the vast quantities of plastic waste in our oceans.

The repercussions of marine pollution extend beyond marine life, as we inadvertently consume some of these sea creatures. While the concept of enormous robotic skimmers has been suggested for water cleanup, at ASENIX, we stress that the ultimate remedy lies in reducing plastic pollution at its source. Our investigations reveal that approximately 80% of plastic originates from unsustainable human production and consumption practices.

What is ASENIX?

The ASENIX Token (ENIX) functions as the primary currency within the ASENIX ecosystem. ENIX operates as a BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain and has a capped supply of 500,000,000 tokens. Token holders will receive rewards passively just by retaining the token. Additionally, the token can be traded on various exchanges.

A fraction of 4% from all transactions contributes to scientific research (ENIX Labs) and advancing the initiative. It is projected that this 4% allocation from each transaction has the potential to generate around $300,000 daily. Such a substantial funding commitment directed towards ocean conservation solutions would undeniably yield a significant positive effect.

Asenix is the first web3 protocol that supports and invest in innovative longterm solutions to ocean pollution

The ASENIX Initiative is dedicated to ensuring enduring and strong preservation of the oceans' most vital regions, benefiting both present and upcoming generations. ASENIX endorses the execution of the 12th and 14th objectives within the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our commitment revolves around protecting the oceans and their ecosystems by providing financial support, promoting and backing scientific investigations (via our ecosystem), and fostering education while raising public consciousness about the consequences of unsustainable lifestyles on oceans and ecosystems.

ENIX tokens will function as utility tokens for casting votes within ENIX Labs and for participating in ASENIX Improvement Proposals.

ENIX serves as the utility token for the ASENFI cross-chain decentralized exchange and will be utilized within ASENIFI's (Decentralized Application) liquidity pools.

Deposit your ENIX tokens to gain rewards and enjoy special privileges.

Release & Trade ENIX across multiple trading platforms

Earn rewards effortlessly by simply holding ENIX. Gain entry to events, exclusive promotions, and airdrop opportunities.


The ASENIX initiative also plans to gather funds via Non Fungible Tokens, widely referred to as NFTs. ASENIX OCEAN ALLIANCE (AOA) constitutes a limited series of 20 ocean champions entrusted with safeguarding Ashenas against the escalating peril of plastic pollution. Each NFT will provide access to airdrops, distinct collections, exclusive gatherings, and much more.

Author : zorzia
Telegram : @zorzia
BSC wallet : 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70

Rabu, 16 Agustus 2023


Привет всем… Здесь я дам вам знать, написав обзор, чтобы представить проект MetaMallVerse для него, см. статью, которую я создал ниже, чтобы дать вам обзор проекта

#Крипто #Метавселенная $BNB $SOL $BTC $MEMV $BNB #Крипто #NFT #TokenICO #ICO #крипто #bsc

MetaMallVerse использует бесспорно высокий уровень и креативный пользовательский интерфейс, созданный на ПК и открытый для всех. Он использует неоспоримую структуру именования уровней, которая учитывает свободное размещение вещей и, как правило, точечный поиск. Метки обычно создаются из подлинной вещи, и система запросов использует это для поиска соответствующих данных. Это означает, что отметки надежно точны и замечательны. Метавселенная не лишена недостатков. MetaMallVerse здесь, чтобы использовать стратегию для решения части этих проблем и сделать один из самых замечательных виртуальных покупок на сцене. MetaMallVerse также является отличным способом рекламы вашей работы и предметов для привлечения покупателей по соседству, жаждущих дополнительных вещей.

MetaMallVerse — это опыт покупок, созданный на ПК. Это не просто еще одна демонстрация VR-покупок, а этап VR-покупок, организованный с учетом опыта клиентов. Цель этого этапа — дать клиенту окончательный опыт покупки. Опыт шоппинга — это огромное количество возможных результатов, которые включают в себя возможность приобретать вещи, перемещать их и даже пробовать. MetaMallVerse — это обширный виртуальный шоппинг, который позволяет клиентам покупать вещи и организации внутри Метавселенной. MetaMallVerse — это «виртуальный круглосуточный магазин» на сцене бизнес-сообщества. Это этап, когда клиенты могут продавать свои вещи и организации. Именно здесь клиенты могут покупать лучшие вещи и организации у лучших, которых можно ожидать от дилеров в Метавселенной.

MetaMallVerse — это эксклюзивный компьютерный развлекательный шоппинг. Благодаря широкому выбору торговых центров и розничных магазинов, широкому ассортименту товаров и созданию клиентской базы клиентов, мы предлагаем открытый опыт покупок.

Миссия MetaMallVerse

MetaMallVerse — это первый в мире устойчивый, яркий, многофункциональный торговый опыт в Метавселенной. Здесь вы можете искать и покупать вещи, используя широкий ассортимент устройств дополненной реальности (AR) и устройств реальности, созданных на ПК (VR), не выходя из дома или офиса. Вы можете исследовать вещи или устройства, взглянуть на расходы, а через некоторое время взглянуть на них одним щелчком мыши.

MetaMallVerse — это интригующий план и опыт покупок в виртуальном мире. MetaMallVerse — это супервиртуальная торговая площадка, которая позволяет клиентам покупать вещи с помощью компьютеризированных денег, а также расплачиваться своими изображениями. MetaMallVerse берет самые замечательные части этого текущего опыта покупок в реальности и объединяет их с самыми удивительными частями Метавселенной, чтобы создать MetaMallVerse. MetaMallVerse — это главный виртуальный торговый центр в Метавселенной, который предлагает клиентам возможность использовать компьютеризированные наличные деньги для покупки вещей №1 в различных магазинах и у различных производителей. MetaMallVerse уникален тем, что он универсален для каждого клиента, принимая во внимание впечатляющий опыт покупок.

Не высечено на камне, чтобы сделать MetaMallVerse самым тщательным интернет-магазином расширенной реконструкции в Метавселенной. Они уверены в силе отличительного развития, способного изменить знания о розничной торговле, и мы верим, что, предоставив возможность электронного бизнеса другим выдающимся ассоциациям разработчиков, мы можем создать непревзойденный мир для покупателей и перевозчиков. MetaMallVerse — это исчерпывающий опыт виртуальных покупок для Метавселенной. Они создают среду, в которой клиенты могут делать покупки в Интернете или в магазинах, разговаривать друг с другом и менять свои изображения. Они доверяют Метавселенной и должны быть частью того, что происходит с реальностью, созданной на ПК.

MetaMallVerse — это этап совершения покупок, на котором особое внимание уделяется клиентам в Метавселенной. Это виртуальная торговая точка с множеством вещей. Клиенты могут просматривать, делать покупки и совершать покупки на этапе MetaMallVerse, не покидая Metaverse. Все происходит через их образы.

Metaverse — это новая динамичная сцена реконструкции, созданная для ПК, которая предназначена для ярких впечатлений, включая потенциальную возможность создавать, делиться и настраивать собственный контент виртуальной реальности и виртуальные предметы. Metaverse — это децентрализованная платформа для блокчейна, которая позволяет клиентам создавать и гарантировать виртуальные вселенные и образы. Эти изображения можно использовать для исследования виртуальных вселенных или использовать в приложениях на основе блокчейна.

об этом проекте

Сайт: https://memv.net/
Технический документ: https://memv.net/MEMV-Whitepaper-v1.pdf
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/MetaMallVerse
Телеграмма: https://t.me/memvio
Дискорд: https://discord.com/invite/bcxv7wYY9G
Фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/MetaMallVerse
Тикток: https://www.tiktok.com/@metamallverse
Ютуб: https://www.youtube.com/@metamallverse
Обсуждение биткойнов: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5430649.0

Автор: zorzia
Биткойнталк: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2283026
Телеграмма: @zorzia
Адрес Binance Smart Chain BEP20 (BSC): 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70

Bitcoin Spark

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good Bitcoin Spark project that is and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

|#BitcoinSpark #CryptoFuture #CryptoGems #ICO

In the evolving blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape, innovative projects are constantly emerging, each with the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape our understanding of finance. One project that has been gaining traction and attention is BitcoinSpark—a groundbreaking effort that aims to bridge the gap between social networks and decentralized finance, offering a new paradigm for user interaction and economic empowerment.

Decentralized Finance and Social Network Meeting

BitcoinSpark's mission is ambitious yet highly intuitive: to create a decentralized social finance ecosystem where users can seamlessly interact with each other while participating in financial activities on the blockchain. In essence, BitcoinSpark aims to harness the power of social connection to encourage and strengthen financial transactions, investing and collaboration.

In essence, BitcoinSpark combines elements of a social networking platform and a decentralized financial protocol. Users can create profiles, connect with friends and acquaintances, share content, and engage in discussions—just like they would on conventional social media platforms. However, what sets BitcoinSpark apart is the integration of the DeFi protocol, which allows users to send, receive, and invest in cryptocurrency without leaving the platform.

Key Features and Components

Decentralized Social Network: BitcoinSpark's interface resembles that of traditional social media platforms, allowing users to create profiles, connect with others, and share content. This familiar environment makes it accessible to a wide range of users, from newcomers to seasoned crypto enthusiasts.

Financial Tools: Users can transact and manage their cryptocurrency holdings directly within the platform. BitcoinSpark integrates a user-friendly wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies, allowing for easy transfers and conversions.

Social Engagement Rewards: A unique aspect of BitcoinSpark is its rewards system. Users can earn rewards in the form of platform-specific tokens by interacting with content, referring friends, participating in discussions, and even sharing their investment strategies. This gamified approach encourages active participation and drives platform growth.

Investment Pools: BitcoinSpark allows users to create and join investment pools, where participants pool their resources to invest in various cryptocurrencies or DeFi projects. This communal approach allows users to diversify their investments and share insights.

Decentralized Applications (DApps): BitcoinSpark provides a marketplace for decentralized applications, where developers can create and offer applications that further enhance the functionality of the platform. This open ecosystem encourages innovation and customization based on user needs.

Empowering Financial Literacy and Inclusion

One of the most exciting aspects of BitcoinSpark is its potential to bridge the gap between the traditional financial system and the unbanked or unbanked population. By combining social networks with decentralized finance, this platform can introduce individuals to the world of cryptocurrencies and financial management in an accessible and user-friendly way. This is especially significant in areas where access to traditional financial services is limited.

Challenges and Considerations

While BitcoinSpark presents an innovative vision for the future of decentralized social finance, it also faces challenges. User adoption, security, regulatory compliance and scalability are some of the important issues that a project maker must address to ensure its success and long-term sustainability.


BitcoinSpark stands at the crossroads of two transformative realms—social networking and decentralized finance—offering a new approach to how we engage with money and social interactions. By combining these fields, the platform has the potential to democratize access to financial tools and knowledge while fostering a vibrant community of users who collaborate, learn and grow together. As the project continues to develop and develop, it could set an excellent precedent for the next generation of decentralized applications, shaping the future of blockchain technology and social finance.

WEBSITE : https://bitcoinspark.org/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/BitcoinSparkOrg
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/BitcoinSpark
MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@bitcoinspark
WHITEPAPER : https://bitcoin-spark-foundation.gitbook.io/bitcoin-spark-whitepaper/bitcoin-spark-overview/introduction

Author : zorzia
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2283026
Telegram : @zorzia
BEP-20 Wallet Address : 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2023


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining PIPLAY, you must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission


As you already know, the Pi Network is a cryptocurrency that offers the concept of mining. However, unlike other cryptocurrencies, Pi network cryptocurrencies are not traded for free. So, to get this cryptocurrency, you need to create a group of three to five people to create a network. Then, all new transactions can be made if approved by trusted nodes. PI was founded by Nicolas Kokkalis and Shengdiao Fan. Kokkalis and Fan have doctorates from Stanford University in the United States, with Kokkalis holding degrees in computer science and Fang having doctorates in computational anthropology. The Pi Network concept first appeared in 2019, with the launch of the app that year. 2020 saw the launch of the testnet and the number of active pioneers topped one million. But the Pi Network has not had the clarity to monetize their ecosystem until now. Starting from that problem, Piplay will do it. PiPlay is one of the Pi Network Ecosystem which provides free games for Pi users to play to earn more $PI or $PIP $PIP is the official token of Piplay Piplay is one of the Pi Network ecosystem which provides users lots of free games, play to earn games . Players can use $PI coins (on the Pi Network) or $PIP tokens (on Binance Smart Chain) to join. $PIP tokens will be given free every day to users who perform easy tasks on the Piplay website. Another way to earn more $PI or $PIP is to win Piplay games. Also, by joining Piplay, users can join the highest referral earnings with 5 levels in NFT and play to earn games. Piplay is one of the ecosystems of the Pi Network which provides users with tons of free games, play to earn games. Players can use $PI coins (on the Pi Network) or $PIP tokens (on Binance Smart Chain) to join. $PIP tokens will be given free every day to users who perform easy tasks on the Piplay website (however rewards will decrease over time). Another way to earn more $PI or $PIP is to win Piplay games. Let's join and collect your $PI and $PIP right now! Here are some seasons you should collect $PIP ASAP: It's totally free, no risk to try. Clear token use cases with released games. Will be an anonymous layer 1 network in the future to bridge between the Pi network and other blockchains. Developing the market requires products such as play to earn, chat + wallet, defi, exchange, bridge and many more, depending on community demand. 80% of the ecosystem profits will be shared among the token holders in the future.


Token Name: PIPLAY
Ticker: $PIP
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain & Pi Network
Contract: 0xe122B719398D998FC666fE13A2cE62501FF05718
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 PIPs

Website: https://piplay.io/
Whitepaper: https://docs.piplay.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/piplay_group
Medium: https://medium.com/@piplay2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/piplay_io

Author : zorzia
Telegram : @zorzia
BEP-20 Wallet Address : 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2023


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining BIOKRIPT, you must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission


The BIOKRIPT campaign is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to revolutionize biotechnology investment by harnessing the power of blockchain technology. Biotechnology, with its potential to transform healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability, has long been an attractive field for investors. However, traditional investment models often face challenges in terms of transparency, accessibility, and liquidity. BIOKRIPT offers a solution by leveraging blockchain's decentralized ledger system, providing a secure and efficient platform for biotech investments. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of the BIOKRIPT campaign, highlighting how it is reshaping the future of biotech investment.

Enhanced Transparency and Security:

One of the primary advantages of the BIOKRIPT campaign is the enhanced transparency and security it brings to biotech investments. By utilizing blockchain technology, every transaction and investment is recorded on a decentralized ledger, ensuring transparency and immutability. This eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as brokers or clearinghouses, reducing the risk of fraud or manipulation. Investors can have real-time access to information about their holdings, enabling greater control and trust in the investment process.

Accessibility and Democratization:

The BIOKRIPT campaign aims to democratize biotech investment by making it accessible to a wider range of investors. Traditional investment models often have high barriers to entry, limiting participation to institutional investors or high-net-worth individuals. However, with BIOKRIPT, anyone with an internet connection can participate in biotech investment opportunities. This inclusivity opens up avenues for smaller investors, creating a more diverse and robust investment ecosystem.

Liquidity and Tokenization:

Biotech investments have historically been illiquid, with long holding periods before realizing returns. The BIOKRIPT campaign addresses this issue through tokenization. Biotech assets can be represented as digital tokens on the blockchain, allowing for fractional ownership and easy transferability. This enables investors to buy, sell, or trade their holdings without the need for lengthy administrative processes. By enhancing liquidity, BIOKRIPT enhances market efficiency and provides investors with greater flexibility.

Smart Contracts and Automation:

Smart contracts are an integral part of the BIOKRIPT campaign, offering automated and self-executing agreements that are recorded on the blockchain. These contracts are programmable and can facilitate various functions, such as dividend distributions, profit-sharing, or voting rights. Through the use of smart contracts, BIOKRIPT streamlines and automates many processes, reducing administrative burdens and increasing efficiency. Investors can have confidence in the integrity and accuracy of their investment agreements, further enhancing trust and security.

Global Reach and Cross-Border


Blockchain technology transcends geographical boundaries, and the BIOKRIPT campaign leverages this feature to enable cross-border biotech investments. Through the use of digital tokens and decentralized platforms, investors from different parts of the world can participate in biotech projects seamlessly. This global reach not only fosters international collaboration but also opens up opportunities for investors to diversify their portfolios and tap into promising biotech ventures worldwide.


The BIOKRIPT campaign represents a significant milestone in the evolution of biotechnology investment. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, it addresses the challenges of transparency, accessibility, and liquidity that have traditionally plagued this sector. Through enhanced transparency, increased accessibility, and improved liquidity, BIOKRIPT democratizes biotech investment and empowers a broader investor base. With smart contracts and automation, it streamlines processes and ensures security. Additionally, its global reach and cross-border capabilities enable investors to tap into the vast potential of biotech ventures worldwide. As the BIOKRIPT campaign continues to gain traction, it holds the promise of transforming the biotech investment landscape, unlocking new opportunities, and accelerating innovation in the field of biotechnology.

Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/biokript
Telegram :https://t.me/biokript
reddit :https://www.reddit.com/user/_Biokript
Facebook :http://www.facebook.com/biokript
Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/biokript

Author : zorzia
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2283026
Telegram : @zorzia
Binance Smart Chain Wallet Address : 0x1bfC94e23b5FC87f09ed8a54b76bcfA3C4686B70