Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020
How Does GLB Differ
GLB is a utility coin that is ready to use in the Network. GLBrain offers a 20% discount on all prices.

A maximum of 300 Million GLB has been made out of which 12.4% will be offered in 3 phases of presales and 27.6% will be offered during 3 phases There are no side risks because GLBrain can be spent with a 20% discount for GLBrain.

The full upside potential for services given fiat prices and higher GLBrain values ​​will pay for more services at GLBrain.

Times always change, so do marketing trends. Marketing trends always develop following technological developments. More for online business owners who are certain more than all marketing activities take place in cyberspace. Marketing channels or marketing channels that can be used by online business owners are many and varied. One big opportunity is marketing through social media for online businesses.

Some people do think about using negative social media, one of which is increasing daily productivity.

Actually for this problem depends on the point of view and also how to use social media.

Social media is a medium for socializing with each other and done online that allows humans to be allowed without space and time.

This social media presence is important to increase visitors to your online business website. Where your website uses online business media and social media functions as marketing. Simply put, social media is a bridge that directs people to visit the online website that you run.

With so much potential in marketing your online business through social networks, you cannot jump right into that vast marketing. The communication strategies needed to make this social networking market necessary and efficient.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to market your online business. Through social media, you can ask more people to know about the products you offer that might be accessible to other advertising media. Awareness of the importance of social media for the growth of your online business will increasingly open opportunities to grow and attract more consumers.

Managing social media in online business can be challenging and requires a lot of time. Before starting management, make all members of the management team make this work a priority.

This commitment is a reminder for team members of their great responsibility because social media is a bridge for consumers to come to your business online.
Revolutionizing Online Community Management

GLBrain is a new age solution for online community management, digital marketing, content sharing and communication services. Its revolutionary technology and features offer agreed privacy and control data along with total trust and approval.

GLBrain is the next generation of online community management, social networking and marketing platforms

With features needed for all types of online communities that provide from private users and small to medium-sized businesses that use standard features, to large organizations and communities who benefit from tailor-made solutions on a larger scale.

Based on Chaincode, Hyperchain and Blockchain technology
Provides scalability systems, privacy & data controls, customized community management solutions and blockchain technology to keep records safe and independent of all forms of agreements, transactions or certifications made on the network.

Online Community Content and Management Section from GLBrain
Present yourself, create and manage your online community. Create or read content, social movements, and polls, or follow special authors. Read all content in your own language.

Online Mall for Products, Services, Jobs and Real Estate
Create your online Mall Profile and publish your offer. Unique geographical selection and transaction attributes help the process of searching and advertising.

GLBrain communication section
Communicate with your friends in your own language, post pictures and share all posts to all your other social networks while increasing privacy safely and without advertising.

Dana yang Digunakan (2,1M EUR)
Pengembangan Back-end Sistem Chaincode
Pengembangan Sistem Hyperchain
Pengembangan Teknologi Blockchain
Pengembangan Buku Besar Penerimaan Internal
Mengarsipkan Paten Internasional

Perjanjian dan Persetujuan komunitas besar pertama
50.000 + pengguna terdaftar
300.000 + pemirsa bulanan

Alokasi Dana Masa Depan
Pemasaran untuk manajemen komunitas online di semua tingkatan
Hubungi Kampanye GLOrain IEO / STO
Memperluas kapasitas server

Membangun alat pemasaran online untuk pemasaran di India dan Afrika
ERA Buku Besar dan dompet ponsel
Perluasan tim teknis dan pemasaran

Membangun solusi token khusus untuk pelanggan tertentu seperti tempat pasar online lokal, LSM, atau koin yang akan digunakan untuk membantu mencapai SDG (Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan).

Alokasi Koin


Total pembayaran Koin: 300.000.000
Harga dasar koin: 0,1
Presales: 37,2 Juta GLB
Fase 1 Harga: 0,06
Fase 2 Harga: 0,07
Fase 3 Harga: 0,08
IEO: 82,8 Juta GLB
Fase 1 Harga: 0,085
Fase 2 Harga: 0,09
Fase 3 Harga: 0,095

Peta jalan


Mulai dari proyek

Bergabunglah dengan kerjasama pengembangan dengan Universitas John Nesbitt

Yayasan Globra FZ-LLC


Yayasan Globra GmbH
Pendaftaran merek dagang
Pengembangan back-end


Pengembangan front-end
Peluncuran GLBrain
Peluncuran MyLife


Peluncuran GLMall
Manajemen komunitas online terpadu
Keputusan mobile pertama


Pengembangan hyperchain
Proyek Sahaj, India
GLBrain + pengembangan produk


Pengembangan teknologi Blockchain
Aplikasi Paten Perjanjian Koin PBB
GLBrain, India Saathi Project, India


GLB Coin dan dompet
Alat pemasaran Pedesaan
Mulai dari GLBrain IEO

Tim kita

Wolfgang Pinegger
Carolin Pinegger
Carlo Maragliano
Djordje Susic
Vladimir Povolny
Aleksandar Sofranac

Penerima kami
Evan Luthra
Herbert Sim
Walter Schwimmer
Prof. Dr.Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber


To get clearer and more accurate information about the

Author : zorzia

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