Jumat, 06 Maret 2020

How OLPORTAL Seeks to Transform Communication via AI Neurobots

Hello everyone, this new post that I want to introduce about the OLPORTAL project which is very interesting and good is that and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:
OLCF tokens are utility tokens or gateway tokens on the OLPORTAL ecosystem. Users can earn and exchange them for products or services. During initial coin offering, OLPORTAL offered a predetermined number of OLCF tokens to the public.

While there is a cap on the number of OLCF tokens available on the OLPORTAL ecosystem, the value of each token will shoot up as the engagement on the platform increases and the demand for OLCF tokens rises.

With the introduction of the much-awaited AI neurobots marketplace just round the corner, and with the first use case of OLPORTAL, in the form of the iMe Messenger already becoming popular, the price of the OLCF token can only go in one direction  up!

Now that communication has inevitably moved online, so has the awkward silence that entails when you find yourself racking your brains for words to keep the conversation alive. Don’t worry, you’re not the only inarticulate person out there. It happens to most of us, at one point or the other.

OLPORTAL, the world’s first decentralized messenger on hybrid neural networks, has come to the rescue. iME Messenger for Telegram app is the first of its kind AI-enabled platform based on OLPORTAL technology.

Fun Bots — For Zestful Conversations
Non-commercial OLAI neurobots or fun bots, as they are called, can be seamlessly integrated with everyday messengers to take the conversation ahead when you are hard-pressed for time or just tongue-tied. They list out a variety of phrases as replies, ginger up the conversation, and form open structured sentences that save the conversation from coming to an abrupt end.

The auto-generated phrases that simulate your personality will come across as a surprise if you’re expecting the flat, dispassionate, stereotypical tone attached to robotic speech. OLPORTAL has leveraged the dramatic advancement in machine learning and natural language processing to deploy neurobots that are adaptive in their learning curve.

They analyze conversations, get a good hold of frequently employed keywords and constantly upgrade its style to suit that of the user. They are funny, clever, fast, and accurate — your best digital version!
Fun bots can be divided into three categories — users’ neurobots, character bots (real or fictional), and special-purpose bots.
Users’ Neurobots (Self-Evolved)

A users’ neurobot, during the course of time, develops a unique style of communication, as trained by the user. Users can put up the bot for sale on OLMarket, sell it, and make money off it if they intend to do so. The null neurobot OLAI in the chats, once activated, will suggest possible variants of answers that are typical for a certain local dialogue and accelerate the conversation.

User: How are you?
Partner: I am good. How are you?
Neurobot suggestions for the user: I am good / I am doing great, thank you! / I am doing okay.

Even when you run out of things to say, neurobots don’t.
Character Bots
Character bots are neurobots based on popular personalities or fictional characters from movies, novels, games, and comics. If you identify yourself as a fan, you may purchase the corresponding character bot listed on OLMarket, use their quotes in your conversations, and even talk like them. These neurobots cannot be trained further or sold in the market.

Partner: Hi, John
Bugs Bunny Character-bot: Eeehm, what’s up doc?
Partner: I’m ok, and you?
Bugs Bunny Character-bot: I bet you say that to all the rabbits!
Special Purpose Bots

Depending on the person we are conversing with and the relationship we share with them, our tones change. To make this transformation smoother, special purpose bots have been built. If you need some help while chatting with your girlfriend or wife, you may employ the ‘lady’s man’ chatbot. When conversations turn dreary, the ‘joke bot’ will propose light-hearted quips as replies. You can choose from a variety of chatbots listed on OLMarket and talk like a hippie, grandmother, or philosopher as you please.

Partner: Do you think, I will make it?
Optimistic Bot: The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Apart from these three categories of neurobots, you may also experiment with OLPortal GIF bots and sticker bots, which as the names suggest, will recommend GIF and stickers as responses.

We know exactly what is going on in your mind!
In a world where all your personal data and private chats are used to target marketing campaigns, with or without your consent, how are you going to escape the prying eyes of bots woven into your everyday conversations?

OLPORTAL, being an Artificial Intelligence enabled decentralized messenger, ensures that you are the sole proprietor of your data. All data and artefacts belong to the user, while the creator’s title is confined to intellectual or digital property.

There’s no reason that should stop you from trying out the iME Messenger. Install the App and never be at a loss for words again!
To know what we are creating at Olportal, visit us at https://olportal.ai
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